KrFU will ask KrF Minister of Foreign Affairs


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Even before negotiations between the KrF and the government are underway, the KrFU has decided which ministerial posts the KrF might have to enter the government.

A unanimous central government within the youth party has decided that the KrF could apply for the positions of Foreign Minister, Minister of Knowledge and Integration, and Minister of Children, Youth and Human Rights. Family and Equality in any government cooperation, reports NRK Wednesday.

The three posts are occupied by right-wing politicians Ine Eriksen Søreide, Jan Tore Sanner and Linda Hofstad Helleland, respectively.

POSTER: Even before negotiations between the KrF and the government were under way, the KrFU had decided which ministerial positions the KrF might have to enter the government. The three posts are occupied by right-wing politicians Ine Eriksen Søreide, Jan Tore Sanner and Linda Hofstad Helleland, respectively.

KrFU leader Martine Tønnessen said the youth party would like the Foreign Minister, as challenges such as the refugee crisis, climate and human trafficking call for global solutions.

"This is something that concerns the FKR the most," she says.

KrF is now on probation with the Right, Frp and Left government parties. All four parties agree that negotiations will not begin until the New Year.

(© NTB)

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