LEAGUE FIRST , MANCHESTER UNITED – Hughton takes Solskjær in defense after the statements of Ince


Ole Gunnar Solskjær is supported by his fellow director Chris Hughton.

There have been many opinions about Norwegian manager Manchester United after taking over the post of Jose Mourinho at Old Trafford.

Several experts and players have been impressed by Solskjaer who can show six wins in the first six games. He does not have other United managers in front of him.

The positive start has led this week several English media to announce that the Norwegian is now the favorite to get the job permanently.

Nevertheless, not everyone seems so enthusiastic about what Solskjær has achieved.

Former Manchester United player Paul Ince said Monday this week, according to The Mirror, that everyone could do what Solskjær did at United.

Hughton defends Solskjaer

Now, however, Brighton's director and former Tottenham star Chris Hughton is back in the same paper.

He is in no way in agreement with Ince.

– I do not think anyone could do that. As a manager, you know how tough each match is, even if you run Manchester United or Manchester City, Hughton told the Mirror.

MEET SUNSHINE: Chris Hughton led Brighton to victory over Jose Mourinho's Manchester United. Can he do the same when Ole Gunnar Solskjær leads the red-dressed?

Glyn Kirk (AFP)

The Brighton manager thinks that Solskjær deserves praise for his work.

– I do not think anyone could have come in and take the record that he has now. I think you have to congratulate him on that, "says Hughton.

Saturday, Hughton will try his luck at Solskjær and his men during the visit of Brighton to Old Trafford. Brighton had won the previous 3-2 deal between the two teams, but had never defeated United previously under Hughton's leadership.

Hughton is ready for a tough game.

– No manager came after Mourinho could have done more than Solskjær. The results and achievements indicate that what has now been done, and I do not know what it is, has yielded results, Hughton explains.

Ince: – Do not be fooled

Saturday remains to be seen if Solskjaer is able to convince more skeptics. That said, Ince is still not particularly excited about something that he expressed in The Mirror earlier this week.

Ince thinks that we should not be fooled by what the Norwegian has clearly placed so far under United's presidency.

– Let's be honest. It could not be worse at Manchester United than just before Mourinho left. There was a dark cloud all over the club, the players, the fans and the support. It affected the performance of the track, Ince explained.

NOT IMPRESSIVELY: Paul Ince was not thrilled by what Ole Gunnar Solskjær has achieved so far.

Mike Egerton (Pa Photos)

The former United player thinks he can do the same.

– No matter who could have come in and done what he did. Ince said that it was not difficult to give these players more freedom and improve the mood of the team.

The next Manchester United match will take place in Brighton on Saturday at 16:00.

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