Leonard Cohen and his Norwegian girlfriend become movies


A LONG CAREER: Leonard Cohen released the album
A LONG CAREER: Leonard Cohen released the album "You Want It Darker" shortly before his death in 2016. Photo: Trond Solberg


The legendary music's relationship with Marianne Ihlen from Larkollen becomes a film whose premiere is at Sundance. The director has already made movies about serial killers Aileen Wuornos and Whitney Houston.

published: Updated: 29.11.18 11:49

"Marianne and Leonard – Words of Love" is the film presented at the Sundance Festival in February, written Rolling stone.

The controversial British Nick Broomfield is directed, his previous film was the Whitney Houston documentary.

The Norwegian Marianne Ihlen who lived with Cohen on the Greek island of Hydra in the 60s, and Marianne Cohen sings in the classics "So Long, Marianne".

Read on VG +: The last letter of love from Leonard Cohen to Marianne

The picture is also shown on the back of the album "Songs from a Room".

Ihlen died in 2016 and shortly before, Cohen sent him a letter in which he wrote " So Marianne, we have reached the point where we have become so old that our bodies are decomposing and I think I am very soon ".

Four months later, Cohen had also left.

Marianne Ihlen spoke about the relationship with Cohen and the time spent on Hydra in the 2011 So Long Marianne radio documentary.

Marianne Ihlens' son, Axel Joacim Jensen, was not contacted about the film.

"No, I did not hear this movie," he told VG.

His father was the late Norwegian author Axel Jensen, who also lived in Hydra. According to the movie "Everybody Knows", Cohen brought Ihlen back to Oslo to complete Axel Jensen's divorce in 1960.

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