Looking for a European event with Sarpsborg


Contrasts could hardly be greater for Joackim Jørgensen from Sarpsborg.

For, while he is looking for the promotion of Europaliga against Besiktas with Sarpsborg 08 on Thursday, it is already clear that he will play 1st division football as of 1 January.
to begin.

In the summer, Sarpsborg Strategen wrote for the hard-earned Southern Country Club, which was down in the last series.

"I was well prepared for the fact that it could very well be a 1st division match when I signed up, so there was no problem. I especially went to Start because of the project they were running – it's just as interesting now, says the 30-year-old.

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It may be programmable, but the defender claims that he does not regret the change of club.

– That's it. You change jobs and may open new opportunities. You have to take risks, and that's what I took, says Jørgensen.

Will send his teammates to

Thursday, the big Turkish club Besiktas is waiting at home in Sarpsborg 08 for what could be the last home match of Jørgensen in blue jersey.

"There are such games that we have exhausted in the rain, the lesser degrees, the snow and the war of the year. It will be a very exciting fight against a difficult and effective resistance. The end of your stay in Sarpsborg can be fun, "says Jørgensen.

With the win, Sarpsborg will take a long step towards an almost shocking performance in the European League.

Jørgensen is now ready to make a final effort in the Sarpsborg Dragon. The dream is to say goodbye after playing at Sarpsborg. One of the two regulations will be played before the new year.

"I hope all my friends, the club and the city will be able to achieve something even more sick than we have achieved so far." So I hope that Sarpsborg will meet Milan at San Siro next year, and then I'll call them Kristiansand I, "he says.

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Want good luck for further

Although Joackim Jørgensen is leaving Sarpsborg and Europaliga for 1st Division football in Start, it does not appear that the teammates are injured.

– Joackim is a great person and a football player. I was happy when he came here a few years ago. It has grown well and will have a lot of credit for our rising shape curve, "said Patrick Mortensen.

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