Mohammad sentenced to two and a half years in prison


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The reports, where Mohyeldeen writes that Raja must burn in hell, were sent in September 2016.

The verdict is in line with the statement of Attorney General Frederik G. Rank.

"It's a thoughtful and thorough judgment.It seems that we have got hold of all the most important things, and of course, we are very satisfied with it.It was an attack on democratic values, Ranke told NTB.

Mohammad's lawyer, Brynjar Meling, confirms to NTB that the verdict is on appeal and that his client is disappointed.

"He is disappointed that Raja is admitted into a larger speaking space and can freely call him and his pains for pests while he himself was sentenced to a long prison term for having decided what Islam believed in relegation, "says Meling in a text message. at NTB.

Refuses to be punished

Mohammad was detained while the threat against him was handled by the Oslo District Court. He denied being punished at the beginning of the case.

– I never threatened him. By saying what I mean about him, I find you in freedom of expression. To tell your pig, go to hell, it's not every day, but we say it in Norway, said Mohammad, who has been living in Norway since the age of three.

Raja said he was relieved and satisfied with the verdict.

"I would like to thank PST for the good follow-up of me throughout the period.This has been stressful and still pushes to live with these threats.I hope it will soon be the last sentence and that Islamists and extremists will learn to follow the rules of the game of democracy, he writes in a text message to NTB.

The intention to tease

"The threat is particularly frightening as an unknown circle of people may be inspired by murder or other violence.There will be a threat that is still threatening, regardless of whether Raja continues to have political responsibilities or not," says the judgment of the district court of Oslo.

According to the verdict, it is particularly aggravating to consider the threat as a means of teasing Raja and other Muslims who have a different view of Islam from Mohammad's and his sentences.

"It was clearly a deadly threat, according to Attorney General Ranke, we are talking about one of the most influential personalities in one of the most extreme environments we have experienced in this country after World War II. .

In addition, Mohammad is also sentenced to pay 150,000 crowns during a raid against Raja.

SMS and Youtube

Mohyeldeen Mohammad threatened parliamentary MP Abid Raja on SMS and in a video posted on Youtube in September 2016. The background should have been Raja's spending and his comments during the debate on the introduction of a possible ban religious headdresses. The eight-minute video is to be interpreted as an invitation from Mohammad, convinced of the same opinion, to commit serious violence or kill Raja, said the prosecution.

When the indictment was read in court, Mohammad responded no to the question of whether he recognized a sentence. The text was embarrassed because he felt that Raja, with his statements, was intimidating users of hijab and nikab, which members of his own family did.

In court, he specifically used arguments that his actions against Raja were within the limits of freedom of religion and freedom of expression in Norway. On several occasions, he has shown that dispersive and pejorative characteristics are just its meaning and not a threat.

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