New details on Michael Schumacher – Reveals new details about Schumacher's state


Shortly after five years have passed since the tragic accident in the French Alps. We know that 49-year-old Michael Schumacher was seriously injured and remained in a coma for a while. He lives in the family house on Lake Geneva, Switzerland.

Otherwise, very little about his health is known to the public. According to Sabine Kehm, director of Schumacher, it is not unthinkable that it lasts a long time.

But family and close friends visit him regularly and still. This was also done by the German Archbishop Dr. Georg Gänswein. In a great interview with German Bild, he now reveals new information on the health status of the legend of Formula 1.

Gänswein says that Schumacher "now feels that there are people around him".

He feels that there are people around him who care about him. The people who take care of him and, in divorce, keep the public out, he says to Bild.

SOUND INTERVIEW: Few people know what happened to Michael Schumacher, legend of Formula 1, after being enlisted in a ski accident in 2013. The family has released what will be one of his last interviews before the accident. Video: NTB and
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Just as we remember him

When Schumacher was printed at the hospital four years ago, it was claimed that he was standing in front of "a long and difficult fight".

But Schumacher refuses to give up and, according to the archbishop, several signs of improvement appear.

– His face is exactly as we remember. It's been a little bit rounder, "Gänswein said.

Schumacher is a legend in Formula 1 and holds many records. He has the most titles in the World Cup (seven) and most races (91). German was installed in 2006.

It was December 29, 2013 that Schumacher and his son Mick went directly to Meribel. On a so-called off-piste area, Schumacher fell and banged his head against a rock. He suffered considerable damage, even though he was wearing a helmet.

Interview published

The family recently published an interview with Michael Schumacher, conducted two months before Ulykka. He mentions in particular Mika Häkkinen as the competitor whom he admires the most.

"We had good duels, but also a good stable relationship in private," said Schumacher.

He also mentioned Formula 1 as one of the toughest sports.

"It's one of the most difficult, it takes a lot of preparation. (…) Talent is important, it is in all sports. We will develop many different skills," he says. said Schumacher.

His Mick is also a great talent for Formula 1. It's only a matter of time before arriving at the highest level of motor sport. Previously, he had shouted his father and wanted to say everything for his bet on Formula One.

Answered the secret

The Swiss journalist and specialist in Formula 1, Roger Benoit, is one of those who answered the secret of superstar Schumacher.

"The big scandal is how the family approached this situation.He had kept a little update.People are wondering how it's going, give them something.Help me, it's a scandal, has said Benoit.

The former Schumacher manager, Willi Weber, 75, also responded to the lack of concrete reports.

"I think it's very unfortunate that Michael's fans do not know anything about his health.Why nobody says the truth?" Weber asked, made it to TZ, Blick and other media outlets in Switzerland and # 39; Germany.

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