Nonprofit organizations react strongly to the accusation against Ludvigsen: – Wrong


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Svein Ludvigsen (72), former MP, Minister of Fisheries and Troms County Governor, is charged with sexual assault and abuse of his position against three young men. They were asylum seekers at the time the assaults should have occurred and are 40 to 50 years younger than Ludvigsen.

Ludvigsen took advantage of his position of power to give the impression that he could give and deprive them of citizenship, considers the power of appeal. Ludvigsen completely disputes the attribution.

The denunciation was announced Wednesday morning.

Several organizations working for the legal security of asylum seekers and the participation of immigrants in society have reacted to this news.

"The accusation is a shocking read," said Ann-Magrit Austenå, head of the Norwegian Organization of Asylum Seekers (NOAS).

– If the charge is correct, it is a fundamental violation of the right that has been exercised. First, the three previous asylum seekers, but also against all those who chose Ludvigsen for political office. The choice is based on trust in the person's ability to manage power. It's bad, she says.

– An awakening for us

Austenå thinks the case shows how much better it is to protect asylum seekers outside the child protection system. Young people between the ages of 15 and 18 belong to the Directorate of Immigration and do not fall under the protection of children.

"The reports from Fafo, UNICEF and NTNU have been more numerous in the last 18 months, which shows the same thing: this group has completely failed in terms of care, information and education. followed.

– Do you often see similar cases in which members of the system take advantage of their position against asylum seekers?

"We can not say anything about the scope." For us, NOAS has this case, and VG's case of exploiting young single asylum seekers is a wake-up call, and we need to be even more attentive when we talk to them. Unfortunately, there is reason to believe that this group is more exposed to exploitation and abuse, "said Austenå.

– repellent

LIM (Equality, Integration, Diversity) aims to promote the participation, trust and belonging of immigrants to Norwegian society. The general secretary, Dana-sæl Manouchehri, believes that the case is reprehensible.

– My immediate reactions are that it is unfortunate. A large number of asylum seekers arriving in Norway have little faith in the institutions since the beginning. They come to a country that is supposed to be safe, where you can trust the authorities. They also have this right in the fleece. It's an insane abuse of trust if the charge is correct, she says.

Manouchehri believes that the authorities must be prepared to punish such events as soon as they appear, so that asylum seekers can restore the confidence of the state.

"I think it's grotesque to use their power, which could lead to something good, to such a tragedy.These are violations of people who were not able to defend themselves "After #metoo, we no longer accept that people in general are using their power to commit violations – they are criminal acts that should only be prosecuted in court," she says.

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