Norwegians pay too little for Netflix


ANIMALS: According to a survey, Norwegians have very little money for subscribing to Netflix.
ANIMALS: According to a survey, Norwegians have very little money for subscribing to Netflix. Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB scanpix


Netflix is ​​extremely popular in Norway, but Norwegians pay dearly for movies and TV shows compared to other countries.


78 countries are included in the updated overview of the UK Consumer Site Comparitech. The conclusion is that Norwegian subscribers to Netflix have the third highest subscription price, but only Denmark and a few other countries have so far a lower – even low – performance level.

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The calculations are based on the figures of the search services and The site has divided the number of titles available in each country on the price of the monthly subscription to determine the cost of each title per month. The basic cost per month in the different countries is also compared.

79 percent more expensive

In Norway, the price of a basic subscription is 89 NOK, but the titles that Norwegians can choose are relatively limited compared to the United States. According to the survey, Norwegians have 822 television programs and 2,496 films to choose from – 3,318 in total. In the United States, the library has a total of 5,839 titles.

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Compared to US users, Norwegians pay 79% more for their Netflix subscription when comparing the cost to the number of titles. Only Egypt, Iran and Denmark have even less for their money than Norwegians.

Although US customers have the largest library of series and movies to choose from, it's still Canadians who get the best value for money, according to the survey.

Denmark at the bottom

Watching the price of the subscription is the cheapest in Brazil with around 50 crowns. Norwegians pay 23.6% more than the average price per month. The fact that selection is much smaller than in many countries does not make things better for Norwegian consumers.

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The only comfort for us, Norwegians, is that the Danes have both the highest monthly price and therefore the least for the price.

According to one estimate in a study of eMarketer This summer, 62.4% of Norwegian viewers watching Netflix use the United States. The figures are based on the number of people using the streaming service via the app or the website at least once a month.

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