Princess Märtha Louise and shaman Durek Verrett cancel the press conference


CELEBRATION: The girlfriend was to speak to the press Sunday in Copenhagen. It is now canceled. Photo: Frode Hansen

Princess Märtha Louise and her new boyfriend, shaman Durek Verrett (44), cancel the press conference scheduled for their Copenhagen tour on Sunday.

NRK writes.

The couple will leave early with the event "The Princess and The Shaman" of tomorrow. They were supposed to have a press conference after the Copenhagen workshop on Sunday, but this one was canceled.

They also do not want to talk to reporters individually and a photo will be banned during the course, says a statement from the princess.

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– We have always had a ban on the courses we hold, also this. It's respect for those who bought a ticket for their own part. Carina Carlsen, spokesperson for the princess, writes in a text message to VG.

On May 17, Verrett posted several videos on his Instagram profile where he criticized the Norwegian press. That's Nettavisen who mentioned the problem first.

– Why do I really answer questions from the press? It's ridiculous because what I've learned is that the press does not really want to know more about shamanism or about my gifts, Verrett says in the video.

– No, they just want to find ways to sentence him. And in our culture, it makes you a blind person. So to all of you, judges and haters, you are blind and ignorant.

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"A journey in the mysteries of life"

Ticket sales for this much-discussed event increased speed after the Princess and Verrett announced that they were girlfriends. Verrett and Princess Märtha Louise (47) confirmed the relationship on their respective Instagram account Sunday night.

The couple will give lectures in Oslo, Tromsø and Stavanger next week. They must also have workshops in Copenhagen and Fredrikstad. After sharing the news of their girlfriend, they sold tickets for at least 69,000 crowns, which VG could tell this week.

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An event had to be moved

"Princess Märtha Louise and Shaman Durek invite you to explore the mysteries of life and deepen your contact with your inner power while making you aware of how to bring out your reality wherever you are."

One of the appearances that Princess Märtha Louise and Shaman Durek had to have together was a conversation at St. Petri's Church in Stavanger on May 20.

On Wednesday, it was known that all the critics about the couple's visits had forced the couple to move the conference that he was to hold in Stavanger's church. It is an order of Bishop Anne Lise Ådnøy, who led to the decision to rent the church of St. Petri at the event.

– There was so much news in the media that I used the bishop's supervision and said that the church council was going back to the agreement, told TV2 the bishop of Stavanger Diocese Anne Lise Ådnøy.

It is in April of this year that it was learned that the two men had started a cooperation. When it was learned that the princess would close the school of angels and focus on her own projects, it became clear that this included a series of lectures with "Shaman Durek", who is also his new small friend.

Durek Verrett is a well-known shaman in the United States. Several Hollywood celebrities are on his list of customers.

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Durek Verrett landed in Norway – will celebrate May 17th with Princess in Oslo

Must travel to Norway and Denmark

The shaman Durek, whom Durek Verrett (44) himself calls both on Instagram and on his own website, describes himself as a "spiritual guide" and a gifted healer. He's followed by more than 114,000 people on Instagram, and his clients include Hollywood celebrities, including Gwyneth Paltrow and Selma Blair.

He writes on his own Facebook page that he acts as a bridge between the spiritual plane and the physical plane and that he works to ensure success, joy and healing in people's lives.

Here you can find out more about Verrett.

The first time Durek shared a photo of him and Princess Märtha Louise, it was already this fall. It is not yet known how long the two men have really been boyfriends, but the Princess said on the March 29 "Skavlan" that they met for the first time in October.

The princess and shaman will travel to Norway and Denmark and take personal development classes in May. In April, they will settle on the "Skavlan" to talk about it. In retrospect, the princess explained how the program had been reduced.

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