Review: "Christmas at ActionFrank" – The best thing about Frank Løkes' new song is that it's not sung


SONG / MUSIC: Posting songs is obviously the new board game. Of course, we can choose to hear them, but it has become a reality. phenomenon. And it is obvious that this irritates the curiosity of many, because the numbers that scroll each time jump.

"Body Summer"

There is nothing new that people are doing things that they can not. This year we must not go further than the former football player Mads Hansens «Body SummerFrom this summer. It's not worse than an average hit built by Postgiro, but since then it has become really bad. And now, it's no longer fun.

Linni Meister

For the moment, the Christmas songs are coming. "It's Christmas now?" with four YouTube stars calling the Splays earlier this month, then, perhaps, the hockey player Erik Follestad and his glamorous model, etc. Linni Meister also gives "Christmas Story" with Mads Hansen. And that's exactly what this song is, a Christmas story. But that was not enough, now Frank Løke with Christmas carol.

Do not sing

That is, he does not sing once. This is perhaps the best thing about this song – even though I've heard some worse singers than Løke when he released the song "ActionFrank" in September. about his participation "Shall we dance".

It becomes a little strange to put his name on a song when there are others singing. But – it's part of the choir and the sleazy video that follows the song "Christmas at ActionFrank".

Frankish solitaire

The saddle is relatively simple: a sad and lonely action, Frank is sitting on the couch, but Santa Claus and boys arrive. In the gift box, the nisse also prepares three party girls and it will be a real party. A simple recipe for taste of the bath, and it's probably the joke of the whole. Here, there is the one on the die which is the goal, I think. Until where can we stretch it, as well

"Ex on the beach"

The three jerseys, which apparently also "sing" and the chorus, are "Ex on the beach" – the "stars" Helene Hima, Marielle Kvernaas Efford and Martine Stol of the season really singing for what we live is a participant in another reality show. But at least she can sing!

ONLY JUKS: It looks like they're singing, but none of them has the main voice. Photo of the video for
JUST ONLY: It looks like they're singing, but none of them has the main voice. Photo of the video for "Christmas at ActionFrank"
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Very bad

The common point of all these songs is that the music is apparently composed of machines and that the lyrics are annoying. Or what do you think of this fun: "Does anyone want a sausage in bread / is more than enough for everyone" or "Now it's Christmas at ActionFrank / the chef is full and the brain is empty (…) you have a body in the pose / delicious and thin" or the new and accurate "Now, are we going to drink?". And you must know that Frank rides both the bank and the pig bank.

Producers behind this hesitation are Ole Jørgen Troøyen and Jon Even Kruger Skogen. Forget the names as soon as possible because there are no extenuating circumstances. The song ends with a long and unhappy rap.

It does not start anyway a little embarrassing and young, Frank Løke?

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