Rolls-Royce will provide equipment for three rigs


Rolls-Royce will provide anchoring equipment for three rigs, including an existing platform and two new builds.

The existing platform is Stena Don of Stena Drilling.

Among the new buildings, one belongs to Awilco Drilling and is built at KeppelFELS in Songapore, while the other is of the CM-SD1000 type and is under construction at CMHI in China.

– To further enhance security, the equipment will be delivered with a management system that we have developed to provide operators with a good overview of the operation. E-docking has an advanced but simple user interface that supports the requirement; "No error, including an operator error, should result in a crash or erasure." This system reduces the risk of incidents and accidents involving winches and ensures that operators adhere to agreed design criteria, "said Øystein Ryste, Rolls-Royce Commercial E & P Deck Machinery Sales Manager Marine.

Stena Don is acquiring a new 8-point docking system that will make the platform available for a larger market.

"With these latest contracts, we have delivered or outsourced an anchoring system to 38 aircraft since 2005," said Ryste.

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