Romerike Leaf – Named the airport this year


Øyvind Hasaas, director of Oslo Airport, in a press release.

The airport recently received the airport 's award of the year for airports with more than 10 million passengers a year.

The Oslo Airport has received the award for the opening of the new terminal in 2017, as well as for the work of innovation in the fields of environment and sustainability, says the press release.

This award was presented Tuesday in Berlin at the CAPA Awards for Excellence Awards.

"It's a great recognition for us and all those who work at the airport, we work every day to be seen as a European-class airport, which shows that we are doing well," said Øyvind Hasaas, director of the airport. Airport at the airport of Oslo.

The reasons for the jury include the el-flight initiative.

"Oslo Airport has been a pioneer in the European aviation industry for a number of years, and the opening of the new terminal building and their innovative environmental work will help strengthen Norway's main airport as a strategic leader in Europe. Europe and around the world, "said Peter Harbison, Executive Chairman of CAPA.

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