Rose McGowan on the challenges in the United States: – A deadly cocktail


Rose McGowan has completed the "propaganda machine" of Hollywood. She is now preparing to fight to change society. And especially, against the tragedies that followed the raid that triggered a global movement.

Ex-actress Rose McGowan (45) has an intense look. He will not let you go. She asks to be taken seriously. This requirement has had enormous consequences around the world.

In 2016, the American actor laid the foundation for what would be the # MeToo movement. A tweet that involved the sexual assault of the Harvey Weinstein film police against her, launched a public interview on the abuse of violence, violence against women and sexual exploitation in Hollywood . The development has rapidly spread to several industries globally.

– It's about abuse of power. It is a society that has so many injured and wounded – what kind of society is it? I thought the community might need help, says McGowan at ABC News.

The 45-year-old has a radiation that fills the room. It's both intense and powerful. She sits in a large chair in the library of the Grand Hotel in Oslo.

Rose McGowan is ready for battle.

– What to be proud of

She is in the capital to open the "Xynteo Exchange 2018", an international collection on leadership. This year, the focus is on change and growth. McGowan believes this must happen quickly and has a concrete suggestion on how to:

We have all worked in places where we say to ourselves: "Would not it have been great if someone was not there?" So, get rid of this person. Do not you want a better work environment and a healthier society? she asks.

McGowan was among those who indirectly launched #MeToo, but are skeptical about painting the movement created by the subject by the media. She thinks women are made up of angry characters who want to bring men. She thinks that the core of the movement is quite different.

"The media gives the impression that thousands of women wearing high heels are walking the streets in search of men to attack.

"I do not think that's the problem, I think we've only woken up a lot of people, women and men, and shown what the injustice and the abuse of power are. to be proud, "said McGowan, and leans toward the big chair.

More actor

McGowan is perhaps best known for his roles in the "Charmed" series of the '90s and the horror movie "Scream". She has retired from the profession and no longer wishes to be qualified as an actress.

I make so much difference that it's hard to call me anything. I still find out and I do not think I need a single tag, but this is not at least an actor.

During the interview, she suddenly finds her label: "social educator". She wants to wake up society more and to devote her time.

Rose McGowan in 2007, as many remember her. She thinks it was part of a false identity that she was rewarded by Hollywood. Photo: Matt Sayles / AP

McGowan is not ashamed of his acting fortune. She liked to play roles, especially action roles. She did most of her own stunts, inspired by the one that meant being attacked by a man. It was "too much trigger and hurt the opponent".

It was the rest of the film industry and Hollywood, which she called a "propaganda machine," which was the problem.

I do not see myself as part of Hollywood. I come from there, but I am not one of them, McGowan said loudly.

The short hair blowing in the ice contrasts sharply with her appearance as a young idol in her youth. Then there were long dark eyelids and red lips that were his uniform.

"It was like walking constantly with a false identity, and that's the identity from which the world judges you.A skin that does not belong to you.It's really tiring.It's a lot more honorable now.

– so absurd that you have to laugh

The 45-year-old has not finished criticizing Hollywood and continues:

– The Academy Award is absurd.

She points out that the people who are at the root of all the problems of Hollywood are the same as those who sit on committees to choose the nominees and winners of the awards. There are people she does not want to vote for her.

"It works for me because I do not understand their voices anyway," she said sharply, laughing for the first time in the interview. A short but sincere laugh.

She notices it herself and says:

It's a surprise for people I laugh. Everyone is waiting for a mortal person. Everything is so absurd that you have to laugh at it. During the most terrible events of last year, I had to laugh. Otherwise, I had been angry.

– deadly cocktail

McGowan is now more focused on improving the home community and talking about major topics that occupy the United States. Mental health, the act relating to arms and the abuse of power are the main problems of the country of origin that occupies it.

– Mental health is the root of many of our problems in our society. We do not treat it, especially not in America.

Rose McGowan at the Women's Convention last October, no longer after publicly speaking about her aggression by Weinstein. Photo: Paul Sancya / AP

What is the biggest problem in the United States – the arms law or lack of treatment for mental health?

"Oh, my God, now it's a global problem." What do you think when someone pulls on the whole family or in a mall? It's thought that they have to be mentally ill and in To a large extent, I do not know what comes first, I only know that weapons are the last available for people with such problems.

McGowan breathes deeply and stands up in the chair. The hands are on his knees. The gaze is held on the vase of the glass table in front of her for a moment before the words reach her:

It's a deadly cocktail. A society should not be like that.

Last week, the United States again saw a massive shooting, this time in a Chicago hospital. Four were killed. That put the cook in the lead for McGowan.

"I do not know what happened, but I tweeted to Donald Trump, the reality is that America will never give up its weapons, so why not trade our weapons, but create good facilities for the treatment of mental health.We must put this offer and the safety net in place.

McGowan notes that, to date, prisons are the largest mental health treatment center in the United States.

This is not a safe society, says the former actor. She moans.

Read also : Cases of the case against Weinstein abandoned

– It was a nightmare

Earlier this year, McGowan published the autobiography "Brave." Here it is

details of how she was raped by Harvey Weinstein at age 23. He was 44 years old at the time and was the main character of Hollywood. McGowan was a recent actor who thought the reporter would tell him about his future. After half an hour of discussion about it, McGowan was pushed to a jacuzzi and raped.

Sexual assault concerns mental health. Do you think that #metoo and transparency around the subject can improve or worsen the mental state of the victims?

Thank you for asking the question. I think it will improve mental health in the long run. In the short term, this year has been very difficult. I call 2017 for "the year of the trigger". It was very difficult for me to see my killer everywhere, every day, fighting him. It was a nightmare. It's still – it's torture.

Read also : Metoo money is required in the 2019 budget

– It kills some of you

McGowan was open about her post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). People with PTSD may find themselves in a traumatic situation with so-called triggers. There may be photographs of the person, or smells, feelings and places that remind him.

– I was in Dubai a few months ago. It was a huge two-story screen and I went on a track along this one. There was a big picture of him on the screen. I had to walk along the track with his picture. It was absolutely cruel.

She does not want compassion, just understanding. Except if there is something "serious".

"We all worked in places where we thought," Would not it have been great if someone was not there? " So get rid of this person Do not you want a better work environment and a healthier society? Pink asks mcowan Photo: Ton Knipperud

trouble with people "will increase concentration and understanding of the extent to which sexual abuse destroys victims, preventing more from doing the same thing," says the women's advocate.

He steals a part of you, he kills a part of you. This is the worst form of theft, only during a murder. You steal what that person was. You steal this person's life.


The former youth solo has often said that she was lucky to have a great platform where she could spread her message.

"I had to fight for my voice every day, so luck has very little to do with that, but it's clear that people want to be heard, so I dropped my program this month. to give people the opportunity.

She started the topic #NO November and received a new person each day on her Instagram account. The common opponent is that everyone shares a thing to which he has said no in his life, which has changed his life for the better.
– Here is your voice, here is your scene, speak. Let's have a conversation. Everyone should do it. Not just celebrities. You can do it. Do you have less taste? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes.

Are not you triggered by all the stories you receive?

Jo. Maybe I should find a psychologist, she says and laughs again – briefly and cordially.

– But who would understand me?

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