Should we shut up?


Alexander Bolsjunov impressed everyone in Ruka. Just like Johannes Høsflot Klæbo did it last year.

The difference is that the Russians immediately get the suspicion of doping against them. Is it right or should we shut up?

And what did we say last year – when Klæbo won "all" – if foreigners had just suggested that no one could go so fast without being baptized?

By the way, is it a good thing, Norwegian, that once someone is much better than us in the national sport, yes, he has to be baptized?

I have read on several Norwegian newspaper websites that Bolsjunov is formed by Jurij Borodavko and that he has been banned from doping.

In the media, of course, we must always have a critical eye on what we do. And Russian practitioners must, with the history of doping in the country, tolerate an extra spotlight on what is being accomplished from there.

But it makes me impure to have doping banned from the coach a weekend with two remarkable achievements of Bolsjunov. In doing so, it is more than suggested that Bolsunov can also be baptized. Do we have the basis to do it?

It will be all the more special this weekend as Thérèse Johaug returns to the World Cup after her doping ban. And she is respected. Know that many people outside the borders of Norway do not believe in the explanation
with the use of lipstick. But as one Finnish colleague said, "She had her punishment, her son, now we move on to something else".

There is respect for such an attitude.

Should we have the same attitude towards the coach of Bolsjunov, or do we think that he is still cheating and that he is teaching Bolsjunov shortcuts?

Please, call me naive, but until we have more "meat on the legs", I wish greater respect for the great sports performances presented by foreign runners.

Alexandr Bolsjunov is good, fast, currently faster than all Norwegians. We must respect that!

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