Svein Ludvigsen – – Party people were very surprised to see Svein suspected of this kind of business.


Svein Harald Ludvigsen (72), former Parliamentary Commissioner, Minister of Fisheries and Troms County Governor, is charged with sexual assault against three people.

The three offenders are named in the indictment as asylum seekers with limited resources, young, single. The prosecutor states that Ludvigsen used his position or that the perpetrators of the offense were in a vulnerable position in the face of all the abuses.

Sexual assaults include oral and oral sex, according to the indictment.

– The right people are very surprised

Ludvigsen has dressed a number of costumes for the right.

Party Secretary John-Ragnar Aarseth told Dagbladet that the party was trying to find out if there were any warnings against Ludvigsen from party members.

"When I learned that Svein was suspected of having sex with other people in January of this year, it was natural for me to talk to more party members who were working closely with him. Myself or other members of the right have spoken to many who knew Svein or worked with him at different stages of his political career, "Aarseth said.

It was he who directed the minutes, among others, against Kristian Tonning-Riise (H) as a result of the metoo campaign. Aarseth says that many right-wing members were very surprised at this suspicion, which eventually became an accusation against Louis.

"The party people were very surprised that Svein was suspicious of this kind of business because we know him as a generous and unusual colleague, eager and committed, who prepared them for themselves. Svein i Høyre has not had a prior warning, nor is the case of which he is now accused of having any connection with people or positions on the right, "Aarseth said.

Smoke and fire

The reactions were powerful after the appointment of the accused "top of society", about which much has been said. Svein Ludvigsen is a well known name in Tromsø politikken.

Former Tromsø rapporteur Jens Johan Hjort (H) immediately urged the public not to try his friend Svein Ludvigsen.

"It's said" no smoke without fire, "but I know from experience that this does not happen rarely without smoke.That's why we all have the obligation to consider Svein as innocent until evidence to the contrary, "Hjort told Dagbladet.

"I've been following the case from the sidelines, but I'm a friend of Svein, and with that starting point, it's very hard to believe that it's okay," he said. he adds.

Erna: – Very serious accusation

The case was investigated throughout the year in the Troms Police District. Ludvigsen was arrested on January 3 and jailed for five weeks before being released. The reason for his imprisonment was that, according to the prosecution, he had abused his status as an influential politician for having sex with a young male asylum seeker for several years.

– This is a very serious accusation. The case will now be dealt with by the court and it is important that the case is well-informed, especially for the insults, said Prime Minister Erna Solberg at NTB.

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