Telenor will not say anything about the cause of a cable break


On Wednesday morning, Mr Budstikka asked about the fate of fiber optic cables and the causes of problems with Telenor.

"We are not sure what has happened since rips were committed outside of Telenor's control," said Magnus Line, head of broadband broadband information at Telenor.

– It's been two days since the incident took place, it may mean that Telenor has an overview?

– I have to ask a little patience. We are now resolved to solve the problem so that customers can access the Internet and television, "says Magnus Line in Telenor.

It is the Isachsen group, which is the executive contractor of the Norwegian public roads administration under the E16 project, but the contractor does not want to answer the questions but refers to the administration Norwegian public roads.

When it comes to
the broken cable
Norwegian public administration of roads indicates that it is the Telenor cable.

Cables are moved to the gateway


The National Communications Authority is not officially informed about the incident, but nevertheless has an overview of what happened in Bærum.

– The duty to inform us of the results has a certain size. Telenor is below this limit, "said Svein Scheie of the National Communications Authority.

The border passes if 50% of the citizens of a municipality of more than 4,000 inhabitants, or half of the inhabitants of an establishment of more than 20,000 inhabitants, lose the Internet and their mobile.

"This is not the result of mobility, so locals were able to contact emergency services when needed," Scheie said.

– The guarantee package does not work

– Should not it be possible to reconnect the infrastructure for such damage?

"Norway's fiber development is relatively strong and there are many interconnection opportunities, and the usual thing is that there are fewer that are getting closer to customers, like here," says Scheie.

– Do you have procedures to analyze this type of accident afterwards?

"We regularly record different events and it's not decided whether it will be done here, what we see is that it was done by ripping off jobs without control," says Svein Scheie.

Will cut the cable before the demolition of the bridge

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