The show on Friday, November 23, as the pair of skaters Ole Einar Bjørndalen and Darja Domratsjeva and actress Rose McGowan, who were among those who denounced Harvey Weinstein for rape.
At the same time, 756,000 people attended the talk show with Lindmo at NRK1. She also had a boost in Friday's victory over Nov. 16. Then she had a fierce competition with the broadcast of failures on NRK2.
Skavlan's scores are compared to 9 November. The weekend later, the program was sent Saturday because of the lords' football matches against Slovenia.
Seert's numbers were a big disappointment and a slowdown for Skavlan after NRK switched to competing TV channel 2. The first of 14 September was seen by 440,000 people.
(© NTB)
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