The starting boss hits hard after the criticism


Sports director Tor-Kristian Karlsen is allowed to return after the relegation of Start in the 1st division. On Sunday, the first player, Claus Eftevaag, was clear to VG.

"If I had been Karlsen, I would have taken my hat and I would have gone, was the judgment of Eftevaag.

Eftevaag now receives the answers from Karlsen himself.

"I find it very striking that he approaches with very general considerations the fact that everything is very bad a few minutes after the economic downturn is a fact.I think it would have been much more interesting if this criticism could arrive a few weeks later. late
after. What I write on account of emotional criticism and less constructive, explains Tor Kristian Karlsen at TV 2.

"He has received too much responsibility

Faced with TV 2 Monday, Eftevaag is aware that the criticism is not simply due to his disappointment after relegation.

– I represent what I said. The soul of Start is no longer there. Instead of investing in their own talents, the stables of mediocrity have been fulfilled. A lot of money has been spent on players who barely know where the center is.
Is or what color starts wearing. And there is a man who is responsible for the sport – and that's Tor Kristian Karlsen, says Eftevaag.

He thinks it's sad to see the second Start team being filled by a
many players of routine instead of the local talents of the club.

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– Start must put your finger in the ground and know which club we want to be. I have tremendous respect for the owners and I note the efforts they have made, but you have to be careful, "said Eftevaag.

He does not hide the fact that he is worried about the future of the club with Karlsen as boss.

"If the bet goes on like this year, I'm afraid of the future of the club.It's possible that Karlsen is activated, but there must be a change.You must take care of the soul. of the club, "said Eftevaag.

Used several old heroes of Start

Even Tor-Kristian Karlsen believes that the criticism of Eftevaag is a disk bomb.

– It's unfortunate if he perceives it like that. Claus will always be welcome and share his point of view on how he believes Start appears. Then we will learn from that. That said, it's not long ago that our employees
Atle Roar Håland as head of development. Erik Mykland was recently employed in the development department. And the same goes for Fredrik Strømstad. So, if we were about to lose our soul, we are trying to recover it.
Because these are the boys with Start-Hearts, says Karlsen.

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