This is how Norway can win the World Cup in 2020


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Magnus Carlsen beat his World Cup title on Wednesday night after defeating rival Fabiano Caruana with three consecutive wins in quick jumps.

Carlsen has now won the World Cup title since his victory over Viswanathan Anand in 2013, and with such hegemony in the sport of chess, the question is whether Norway should sign up for the match which will host the next World Cup, which will take place in 2020.

"It's a wish to have a championship of failures on Norwegian soil, be it the World Cup or the World Cup in lightning and quick pursuit." Sjakk Norway arouses strong enthusiasm and so we are looking at the opportunity to participate in one of these events here, "said Vibeke Ekeland Green, vice president of the Norwegian Chess Association.

She thinks that a world cup in Norway would be the crowning of the job after Magnus Carlsen's triumphs in recent years.

Federal chess secretary Geir Nesheim, who is keen to announce the success of Caramel on Thursday, confirms that the subject is under discussion.

"We are very clear that this has been popular and has been very successful, and it was one of the funniest things we could do on a personal level," said the Secretary-General. .

Money and openness

Both stress that the prerequisites must be met for a bid for a World Cup of Norway to be applicable. It's about openness and finances.

"The World Cup is an expensive project that lasts more than three weeks and the money has to be there," said Nesheim.

The budget allocated to the organization of the World Cup chess is about 40 million euros. When the team of chess worked for the World Cup to be held in Oslo in 2018, it was a question of funding for a long time.

"The Municipality of Oslo has generously allocated half a million dollars to a project in 2016 to support an application, but that has not been fully achieved," Nesheim said.

Dava's Minister of Culture, Linda Helleland, has also called for the process to be open and transparent so that the state can evaluate state aid and the state guarantee.

Nesheim said the dialogue with the authorities had been constructive in the previous round.

"If we continue, the ministry is one of the actors we are talking to," he said.

Should handle the case

The Ministry of Culture will not consider a potential new application and calls it a "highly hypothetical question", but confirms that, in the case of Trine Skei Grande, the concern for transparency is also in order.

"If the Norwegian Chess Association guarantees the quality of its application, we will have to take this into account as in any initiative to solicit state subsidies for major events." As always, we want the actor himself take the initiative and set the priorities and that the application processing processes be open and transparent, which is a prerequisite, said Secretary of State Jan-Christian Kolstø in an email .

Ekeland Green confirms that the board of directors of the chess federation will solve the problem before Christmas. The deadline for the next World Cup is March 1, 2019.

New regime at FIDE

Another factor that can speak for a future championship on Norwegian soil is that the International League of Chess (FIDE) was endowed with a new president in October. The Russian Arkadij Dvorkovich has replaced his compatriot Kirsan Iljumzjinov, very controversial. The development hosts the Norwegian Chess Federation.

"The new FIDE regime says and does a number of things that we like better than the previous one.We are in many ways in a new situation," Geir Nesheim said.

– It is clear that it is a new diet. You get things and clear in the processes. This also contributes to the reputation of FIDE, "said Ekeland Grønn, who said it was hard to make Western countries bear the cost of organizing a championship. chess.

"I think the FIDE would think that the World Cup in Norway was beneficial, it's a matter of taking the bag home and showing the world what we can do about it, maybe take it out a bit from the playroom and organize a Norwegian folk party, she says.

On Thursday, it was learned that Stavanger, who stands behind Norway Chess, wants to host the World Cup in 2020. And it's not that a Norwegian World Cup it is necessary settled in Oslo, says the vice-president of the union.

– Any application can come from the Norwegian Chess Association, but we have no indications for the organizing city, explains Vibeke Ekeland Grønn.

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