This is the evidence against Svein Ludvigsen


    STATE LAWYER: Tor Børge Nordmo in Troms and the Finnmark Attorney General have sued Svein Ludvigsen. Here he is described in court in another case.
STATE LAWYER: Tor Børge Nordmo in Troms and the Finnmark Attorney General have sued Svein Ludvigsen. Here he is described in court in another case. Photo: Lars Adrian Giske / iTromsø


TROMSØ (VG) Images and electronic tracks are part of the evidence that will be presented when Svein Ludvigsen will have to appear in court, accused of sexual assault and abuse of county governorship in Troms.

published: Updated: 28.11.18 15:22

Svein Ludvigsen (72) is accused of abusing his county governorship in Troms to have sex with three young single asylum seekers. One of them is the house of mental development easier.

Ludvigsen refuses to pay a penalty.

Ludvigsen, opposed to two of the offenders, reportedly stated that he had authority to determine whether they had obtained citizenship and permanent resident status in Norway, respectively.

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An assertion implies that the prosecutor believes that it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the circumstances of the charge have indeed taken place.

"We believe we can prove that sex took place." Attorney General Tor Børge Nordmo told investigators that the evidence contained evidence including witness statements, evidence and documentary evidence. , technical evidence and communications.

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According to the convictions, the assaults took place in different places: among others in the Ludvigsens booth, in his residence, in various hotels and in Fylkeshus and Tromsø.

During the investigation, the police seized electronic equipment, including storage media, mobile phones and computers.

"A thorough investigation was conducted to verify the insults of these insults," said the prosecutor.

at iTromsø Nordmo says that the three men explained in a very similar way very similar situations.

"He followed the same path for the three," said Nordmo.

Conditions predominance

According to the accused, by the end of the summer of 2014, Ludvigsen should have sex with a light and mentally handicapped man in a hotel room in Oslo.

According to the prosecution, Ludvigsen used the developmental disability of man and / or his relationship and his position as county governor when he sought the man in the institution of protection of the childhood in which he lived. Here, he officially handed over the Norwegian nationality and made the man believe that he had the power and authority to give him and deprive him of his citizenship.

The prosecutor believes that Ludvigsen would not have been in this operating position without having held the county governor position.

"We believe that there is a direct link between the relationship of transfer and sexual intercourse, and that no one can look for young asylum seekers in institutions, the details of these visits to the institutions will be highlighted. by the court, said the prosecutor Nordmo.

– was not questioned possible fourth offended

After the media began to write about Svein Ludvigsen's conviction, described as a "moral recession," the Troms police were contacted by someone who allegedly had contact with Ludvigsen.

"We tried to interrogate this person but without success because he was in another country without legal residence," said police lawyer Elin Nordgård Strand in Troms district in VG.

Strand said the police had nothing left to do but confirmed that she would return the person to "a possible offended quarterback".

C & # 39; was Northern Lights who first mentioned that the person had contacted the police.

The police attorney said that during the investigation, about 100 witnesses had been questioned. After the case was known to the media, many contacted the police.

"We had a lot of advice on the subject, without the exact number," said Strand.

– Very committed

Ulf E. Hansen defends Ludvigsen.

"He had contact with these three people, but he did not contact them in the manner described in the indictment," Ludvigsen's defender Ulf E. Hansen told VG.

– How has he been in contact with them?

He hit them. He has been a very committed man on many fronts, both in refugee policy and child protection. In this way, he also hit those people, says Hansen.

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