The cross-country skier Didrik Tønseth has practically joined the team for the European Championship field, becoming surprisingly the champion of Norway during the October 14th exercise.
Since then, he's pissing.
The European Championships will take place in Dutch Tilburg on Sunday 9 December. The same day, there is a world championship cross-country skiing in Beitostølen, where the day before is 30 km individually.
National team coach Eirik Myhr Nossum has made it clear that he hopes Tønseth will be held in Beitostølen if he is interested in tremila and femmila at the Winter World Cup in Seefeld.
Athletes Association
Tuesday, withdrawal of the EM field, without the name of Tønseth on the list. However, this does not mean that the sports union has closed the door in Tønseth.
It's actually always open.
HOLDER DØRA ÅPEN: Erlend Slokvik, athletic director of the Athletics Association, leaves the door open to Didrik Tønseth, but says that Tønseth is not able to fill it.
Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB scanpix
"We booked him a place, the deadline for the report has not completely expired, but most likely he does not understand," says sports director Erlend Slokvik at NRK.
– Is there a possibility for him to play tremoe at Beitostølen on Saturday then at the European Field Championships on Sunday, or do you expect another charge?
– No, we expect another charge. Starting great Saturday then down, I did not check once if possible, said Slokvik.
Thus, he closes the door for what was actually Tønnseth's plan. Opposed the NRK, Tønseth confirmed he was hoping to compete in skiing on Saturday and with sneakers in another country on Sunday.
– See that it is not optimal
Abandoning the tremila is of no importance to Tønseth, who must therefore weaken for the European championship.
"Unfortunately, there will be no ground, I see that it is not optimal for the race to go the day before and I realize that they want to have new legs, so it will only be cross -country on the weekend, "he said.
Tønseth had already examined the logistics.
– There is a plane coming to Amsterdam on Sunday morning at half-past seven. But then it will be a day of travel that ends with an SE, plane and train or car. It had been possible to be at the beginning, but to prepare for it had not been possible, he admits.
The EM race starts at. 10.14.
– Did you want?
"I hoped to be able to bring them both.
– Helproffe
At the same time, it includes cross country and athletics teams.
"This shows that Nossum can do what he is doing, and it is possible that the athlete will go too, because they see that there is no point shaking their feet. There are two camps that are helproffe, so it will be, he says.
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