Will not let foreigners drive trains in Norway


The survey conducted by Opinion for Dagsavisen and Freedom Movement shows that only 15% of respondents believe that it is normal for foreign railways to use Norwegian railways rather than NSB.

For 9% of the thousands of respondents, the identity of the person driving is irrelevant, while 16% say they do not know.

– A healthy skepticism does not hurt. Those who will offer new offers to travelers in Norway do not do it either. They must be ready to be demanding customers, "said Jon Georg Dale (Frp), Minister of Transport.

The investigation follows the fact that British Go-Ahead has won the tender allowing NSB to drive the trains on Sørlandsbanen. Many responded to the sentence, including the opposition in the Storting.

The information that Go-Ahead had a lower quality score than that of NSB and Swedish SJ as part of the bidding call triggered strong reactions.

The Minister of Transport explains the process in the Storting on Wednesday. The Labor Party, the Center Party and the SV Party asked four questions at regular Question Time.

(© NTB)

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