Wire at KNM "Helge Ingstad" smoked – NRK Hordaland – Local news, TV and radio


One of the lower hedge ropes was raised following the storm that occurred in Øygarden at the beginning of the new year. It shows an inspection done by the Defense on Wednesday. This thread has smoked.

In addition, one of the landed parties is showing signs that the mountain is cracked, according to the armed forces.

– There is not necessarily any drama in that. We do not fear that the frigate will slide further into the sea. Do not get me wrong, this still worries us, but the worry has not grown now, says Vigdis Hvaal, Communications Advisor at Defense Materials.

Defense materials are currently working to determine what needs to be done to secure mountain lands.

Works to replace wires

This is not the first time the cables that hold the frigate in place have smoked. Five days after the collision of the frigate with the tanker "Sola TS" in the night until November 8 last, all the wires were smoking. The ship sank almost completely under water, and only the radar tower and parts of the hedge have been visible since.

When the storm lasted the night before New Year's Day, the vessel sank another 30 centimeters.

Yesterday, the rescue work was postponed while we were investigating the frigate after the storm.

The night before Thursday, wire replacement work was initiated and rescue work resumed. Among other things, the diving operations continue to attach the hoisting chains to the hull of the frigate.

– No increased risk of emissions

According to the Coastal Administration, there is no increased risk of rejection by the victim.

– We maintain a close dialogue with the armed forces. Therefore, if this were to lead to a change, we would know it quickly, says Åsmund Berg Nilsen, adviser in the Norwegian Coastal Administration Emergency Department.

– Does the coastal administration have confidence in the fact that the armed forces control KNM "Helge Ingstad"?

– We have no reason to believe that the armed forces are not doing what they can to save both the victims and the environment. The weather has been hard. We have to expect this to affect the hedge, Nilsen says.


The warship against the tanker

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