Young people and workers are most often affected by the flu


Last winter, it was mainly influenza B and some H3N2 towards the end of the season. Both viruses have particularly hit the eldest. This year, the A H1N1 virus has so far dominated, writes Aftenposten.

– This virus tends to affect working-age people and adolescents more frequently than older people. Nevertheless, seniors and those who are at risk are more likely to become seriously ill if they become infected, says Karoline Bragstad, acting director of the influenza department at the Institute. Norwegian Public Health.

According to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, this season, more than 217,000 additional doses of influenza vaccines have been distributed compared to the 2017/2018 season. This corresponds to an increase of about 33% in one year.

Just under 1,000 Norwegians had the week before the flu was detected by Christmas. On the basis of past experience, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health estimates that most of the influenza epidemic will take place after Christmas and the New Year.

(© NTB)

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