Zivid wins the 2018 Norwegian Tech Award


Zivid offers a revolutionary broad spectrum technology. They are unique in terms of technology and are currently in the forefront without real competitors.

Many startups are at the R & D stage, but very few manage to market themselves, as Zivid did.

That's what motivated the jury when it awarded the Norwegian Tech Award 2018 on Wednesday, November 28th.

– Big boost

"It was a big surprise, I'm sure our Nydalen team sees this as a big boost," said contractor Mikkel Orheim of the stage.

In August, the Zivid Research Council Innovation Award was awarded. Then the Minister of Industry, Torbjørn Røe, said Isaacsen:

– With its long-term commitment in research and innovation, Zivid has developed a 3D camera that offers new opportunities in the industry. We need more companies of this type in Norway.

From three to 30 in three years

Zivid AS was founded in 2015 by the founders Henrik Schumann-Olsen and Øystein Skotheim. Both came from research on robbery in Sintef.

Three years ago, they were three employees and settled in the Startuplab premises at the Research Park in Oslo. Now they are up in the new premises of Nydalen with 25 employees who will be around 30 during the year.

"Our product is quite unique in the way we can provide our robots with a three-dimensional vision, in color and with absolutely exceptional precision.There are millions of blind robots in the world and their number is increasing. We are selling about 100 cameras for € 15,000 this year and double-trip sales next year, Ziv's market director, Øyvind Borgan, told TU in August.

According to Borgan, there are four important developments on the robot side. This is the development of the robotic arm itself, gripper units, the introduction and development of AI robot, and of course, the view.

The Zivid camera was developed in collaboration with NX Tech in Fredrikstad, in charge of industrialization. Eker Design designed the camera.

Jumping in Sintef

Three-dimensional robot research began in Sintef, Oslo in the early 2000s, after two NTNU students, Henrik Schumann-Olsen and Øystein Skotheim, found employment in 2001.

Øystein had specialized in physics and mathematics and had begun working on structured light in 3D technology. Henrik studied robotics and cybernetics and participated with several others with his own robot in the Eurobot robot competition. Henrik worked with the vision and brain of the robot. This gave him more taste and after studying, he created the ideal workplace he found at Sintef.

0.1 millimeter accuracy

In 2011, they had imagined what such a camera would look like. It could be seen with the help of an image sensor whose field of vision was lit by a projector with a so-called time-coded structured light.

Some patterns change at high speed, allowing the camera to calculate the distance of all pixels in the field of view with an accuracy of 0.1 mm. Unlike cameras used in the industry, this camera also had a color view.

Cameras developed by Zivid are not purchased at the store. At least not for many years. Customers are system integrators who assemble equipment and software for manufacturing companies.

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