Smokers now eligible for COVID vaccine in Illinois as part of Phase 1B Plus – NBC Chicago

[ad_1] Smoking is on the list of high-risk medical conditions and co-morbidities that make a person eligible for the coronavirus vaccine under Illinois Phase 1B plus. According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, smoking is considered a “qualifying condition” in the phase alongside other conditions like cancer, diabetes, obesity, pregnancy and more. The Centers … Read more

TechCrunch is now part of Verizon Media

[ad_1] TechCrunch is now part Verizon mediaa. We and our partners store and / or use your device information through cookies and similar technologies to display personal ads and content, measure ads and content, display your audience, and develop products. Your personal information may be used Information about your device and internet connection, including your … Read more

New way to measure Antarctic snowfall helps predict ice cap survival

[ad_1] A new way to study Antarctic weather, not from Earth’s surface but from space, reveals a phenomenon that could help determine how quickly the enormous ice cap is melting in a warming world. The study, published Tuesday in Geophysical Research Letters, focuses on “atmospheric rivers,” huge belts of water vapor that form over tropical … Read more

Governor Abbott ended Texas mask tenure without input from all of his COVID-19 medical advisers

[ad_1] AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott’s four medical advisers disagreed with his decision to end state restrictions on coronaviruses – or even included in the decision. “I don’t think this is the right time,” said Councilor Mark McClellan, former US Food and Drug Administration commissioner, adding that he was not consulted prior to the decision. … Read more

Cowboys, Dak Prescott speaks well?

[ad_1] We heard yesterday that Dak prescott and the Cowboys had resumed negotiations on a long-term extension with the March 9 deadline for franchise labels. Dallas fans will be happy to know that it looks like these negotiations are going well. The talks “are progressing” and have been “more productive than they have been” in … Read more