Ohio State Buckeyes cancel Saturday’s soccer game against Illinois Fighting Illini

[ad_1] Ohio state canceled Saturday’s soccer game in Illinois due to a COVID-19 outbreak in the Buckeyes No.4 program and suspended all team-related activities indefinitely after the revelation of additional positive tests Friday evening, the school said. Ohio State Athletic Director Gene Smith, University President Kristina M. Johnson and Chief Team Physician Dr Jim Borchers … Read more

Final Fantasy XIV announces major announcement coming in early 2021

[ad_1] Joseph bradford Joseph has been writing or podcasting about games in one form or another since 2012. After writing for several major media outlets such as IGN, Playboy, etc., Joseph started writing for MMORPGs in 2015. When not writing or not talking about games, you can usually find him hanging out with his 10-year-old … Read more

Sacramento mall shooting kills at least 1, injures 1: reports

[ad_1] A manhunt was underway in Sacramento, Calif. On Friday night after a shopping mall shooting left at least one person dead and one injured, according to reports. Messages from the Sacramento Police Department on social media did not confirm the death, but multiple media reported a death. The suspect fled the scene, police wrote … Read more

CDC predicts coronavirus deaths could reach 321,000 by mid-December

[ad_1] © FoxNews.com Fox News medical contributor joins Mike Huckabee and Leo Terrell to discuss coronavirus hypocrisy on ‘Hannity’ Amid a nationwide surge in coronavirus cases and leaders’ concerns about celebratory spikes after Thanksgiving, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said forecast models predict the number of virus deaths in the United States … Read more

OPEC impromptu weekend meeting delay

[ad_1] OPEC + meeting that was entered in the books at the last minute for Saturday is now postponed until Sunday, according to anonymous Sourc Reutersthis is. No reason for the delay of the meeting was given. The group had decided to meet at the last minute, before the full meetings on November 30 and … Read more

Save on iPads, Fire tablets and the Samsung Galaxy Tab

[ad_1] As Black Friday draws to a close, we’re still tracking the best tablet deals at retailers like Walmart, Target, and Best Buy. While some deals were too good to stick around for long, there are still great prices on different types of tablets, from iPads to Fire tablets to the popular Samsung Galaxy Tab. … Read more

Joe Biden Wins Wisconsin County Votes After Trump-Ordered Recount | U.S. Elections 2020

[ad_1] A recount in Wisconsin’s largest county called for by President Donald Trump’s election campaign ended on Friday with President-elect Joe Biden winning votes. After the recount in Milwaukee County, Biden had a net gain of 132 votes, out of nearly 460,000 votes. In total, the Democrat won 257 votes to 125 for Trump. Trump’s … Read more