Supermoon WARNING: The full moon of Equinox is a prophetic sign go APOCALYPSE | Bizarre | New


The brightness was highest this morning around 1h42 GMT in the United Kingdom. Full Moon has crowned an incredible trio of Supermoons, which began in January of this year. Because of its rarity, some end-of-day preachers and some conspiracy theorists have called the Supermoon an ominously ominous omen. The Supermoon coincided with yesterday's spring equinox (March 20th), which has not happened for 19 years and will not happen again until 2030.

The biblical conspirators are also concerned about the arrival of the Supermoon on the night of the Jewish holiday of Purim.

Nicknamed sometimes the Worm Moon of Mars, today's Full Moon is also called Super as it approaches the closest orbit of the Earth.

All of this combined to convince evangelical preacher Paul Begley of West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, that the end of the biblical period was unfolding before his eyes.

In an online sermon, the incendiary preacher said, "The Moon has become red-blooded on New York and the Statue of Liberty – an incredible photo taken tonight, the night of Purim in the world.

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"In fact, it's incredible information that we get tonight when you talk about this Supermoon, which appeared in the night sky of Purim.

"In fact, the moon is normally larger than any other moon. It's the biggest Supermoon of the year and it lands on Purim.

"It's also the spring equinox. What? It is also the third Supermoon of a triad. Are you serious?

"So you had the January Super Blood Moon, which was part of the Festival of Trees, the fig tree, over Washington DC.

READ MORE: WARNING: The spring equinox super moon is the "beginning of the end"

"We are still in the 70th year of Israel as a nation.

"Then, in February, we had another great snow moon and now, in March, you have a great worm on the spring equinox, on Purim, in New York, it becomes red blood for some reason and are you serious?

"We are still in the 70th year of Israel as a nation. It's a prophetic moon tonight, no question. "

The passionate preacher has stated that three consecutive Supermoons are a biblical sign of the end times.

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Mr. Begley then quoted from the Bible, including Esther 6-7.

The passages in question describe the rescue of the Jewish people from the Persian vizier Haman, who intended to kill the Jews.

Purim celebrates this event, which is detailed in the biblical book of Esther.

Pastor Begley said, "There are absolutely prophetic signs in heaven.

"What did Jesus say? He said that there will be signs in the sun, in the moon and the stars. "

Pastor Begley has already warned that the full moon turning red is prophesized in the Book of Joel, the Book of Acts and the Book of the Apocalypse of the Bible.

In particular with reference to lunar total eclipses, the preacher stated that Blood Lunes appeared as a premonition of the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The book of Revelation 6: 11-13 reads: "And white robes were given to each of them; and they were told to rest a little longer, until their companions and brothers, who were to be killed as they were, were fulfilled.

"And when I saw when he opened the sixth seal, behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as a sack of hair, and the moon became like blood;

"And the stars of heaven fell on the earth, as a fig tree casts its figs prematurely, when it is shaken by a mighty wind."


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