CEO X offers a way to take 13 lives out of the Royal Cave. Can use "wind pipe" instead of diving.


CEO X Space offers children a way. Wild boar The exit of the Luang Caves can use a "wind duct" of about 1 m in the most dangerous area of ​​the cave. Blow in the ceiling of the cave. Then give children explore scuba diving

On July 6, Ezra Musk, founder and CEO of SpaceX and Bering Company in the United States, 13 ways to save the life of a cave Mae Luang, Mae Sai , Chiang Rai without diving who can use a length of nylon wind pipe of about 1 meter inserted into the most difficult path of the cave. Then he blew in the air like a "wind house" where children played by the wind pipe float to the ceiling of the cave. What makes kids

Previously, Ezzy Musk, CEO of SpaceX, tweeted on Twitter that the SpaceX team was preparing to travel. Thailand Tomorrow (July 7th) to see if we can help the Thai government to take 13 lives. How to get out of the cave? Maybe it's complicated. It will be difficult to know. If it's not here

On July 5th, a Twitter user named MabzMagz sent a message to Elk Musk via Twitter. Can you help 13 children and coaches get out of the cave? The Thai government has already controlled the situation. But they are ready to help.

Elisha Musk, CEO of SpaceX, sends a team of engineers to help 13 people in Luang Cave

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