Open 5 clarification questions. Who owns the moon?


It is possible that may encounter the origin of the moon and "Aliens" as the film Trans 3 for Dark of the Moon, even the human world will see the moon every night. But not many people know that the light is round. The rabbit with dark gray hair. Only one side of the moon. But the other side is not shy to welcome us. Astronomers call him. The Dark Side of the Moon or the Far Side of the Moon …

The moon is about four hundred kilometers from the Earth, which makes the difference in temperature with the Earth. Completely human The day can reach 100-120 degrees Celsius, the cold is "-150 to -170 degrees Celsius."

The man can not see the moon on the other side because of the rotation mechanism and gravity between the world. Monday and Sunday The time that the moon revolves around itself equals the orbit around the human world. It means that he turns around himself, turning around the world too, so that he turns on one side.

Currently, there are only six countries: America, Russia, Europe, Japan, China and India, which have sent astronauts and explorers around the world to point out on the moon. It's just a good side. The mystery is that the other side of the moon looks like. Is there a rabbit silhouette? Because it's much more difficult.

Until the fifth strike of May 21, 2018, the Satellite Broadcasting Center of Sichuan City held a great opportunity. "That Qiao" in the space successfully. Announced C & # 39; is the first satellite in the world to enter. Lunar New Year's Eve (L2) is located approximately four hundred thousand kilometers from the Earth. The mission of "Cheo Chiao" is to support the communications of the "Chang & # 4" spacecraft in China. Follow up to discover the mystery. "Dark Moon" in the coming months

If China Succeeds Become the first nation in the world to surpass America's giant "NASA" on the moon of the human side ever before.

Evaluate whether each Moon exploration project provides for 5 to 6 billion or 16 billion dollars …

The news team of "deep clarity" questions five questions with " Dr. Sittiporn Chanvisin "Specialists in Orbit Mechanics GISTDA (GISTDA) and GISTDA to solve the puzzle. The Chinese government spends a lot of money exploring the moon, especially the "dark side" that requires a higher budget than usual.

Question 1 How many countries did they send to explore the moon?

– There have been satellite launches since 1958 in the early stages, with only America and Russia. The most famous of them is Apollo 11, the first human to land on the moon. This is a milestone in the competition and development of space technology. Shortly after, Japan, China and India sent satellites to the investigation. Only in America and Russia have been sent more than 50 times. Surface Inspection And soil and stone samples came back to the world for analysis.

But now China is strong. The Chinese Lunar Exploration Program (CLEP) started in 2007, Chang 'year 1 was sent to map the moon's orbit around the moon. After the mission is over. The spacecraft was to fall on the moon's surface in 2010. Chang 'year 2 was in orbit around the moon. In 2013, Chang's year 3, as well as Rovers space exploration vehicles, successfully completed the moon's surface. This is the third time that China has become a third nation of the United States and Russia.

For this year 2018, Chang 'year 4 should be sent to the Rover Space Exploration Agency. But the target area is "The Dark Side of the Moon" is the surface that no nation in the world has ever explored before. Pictures from 1959 or 60 years ago. If this year is accomplished in 2019, Chang's year 5 will go to land and rock samples to the earth to analyze the minerals.

Question 2 Why is the black moon a "puzzle"? Because the orbit of the moon is one-sided to Earth. The operation of all communication devices in the area is very difficult. Relay satellites are needed to connect between the Earth's control stations and the running Rovers. This is why China has to send satellites to the satellite. "Chao Chiao" goes first to the mission of Chang & year 4.

"Chevy Chao" means the bridge of the Pie. According to ancient Chinese tales. It is believed that the flock of cross was used as a bridge in the seventh month's night. For the seventh daughter of the goddess of beauty. Go to the top of love. After the separation on Chang Chang Bridge. Compare the functions of Qiao Qiao's satellite is like a bridge connecting communications ground stations on Earth with the Moon Rovers. Question 3 What scientists expect to "see" on the dark side of the moon

Scientists want to study the minerals and surface features of the moon. Dark side Because no one has ever explored. It is possible to find new information on the origin of the moon or can find "alien" as the film. Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon is possible

Question 4 Obstacles to the mission may cause a mission to fail.

Mission Opportunity This is not very successful. Because the Chinese space organization is planning and developing the system. First, send the satellite to explore and store the image data. And China has managed to send Rover to the mission Chang & # 39; year 3. A few days ago, satellite transmission has succeeded.

Answer the last 5 questions, "What is the moon?" What is the advantage for the human world?

"rock" collected from the moon. Monday is an important proof in the study of the origin of the earth and the moon. The reason can not be studied from the rock on the surface of the earth. Because the surface of the human world is constantly changing, like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc., as well as changes in human hands. Remove the original evidence. Most scientists believe that the moon is part of the world. And from the properties of mineral elements on the surface of the moon, there is a very high probability that it will become an important resource. In addition, the space station was created to be a human habitation in the future.

Why the superpower is ready to spend money. Dedicated staff dedicated to all technology. To ride "Goddess of the moon" before other countries

especially future energy possessions. Because there is information that the moon is a huge source. "Helium-3", a precursor of nuclear energy. Non-radioactive Some scientists have speculated that the surface of the moon contains many minerals that can last up to ten thousand years.

The next question is. Who owns the moon?

For 40 years, "United Nations" or the United Nations. Try to catch the signatory countries of the "Treaty of the Moon" to agree who can do what in the moon. Because of the principle is considered a property of the collective. All countries have equal rights, but only seven countries have signed the treaty. It's just a small country. Without any technology.

This is not serious. For fear of losing the opportunity to occupy the moon. America has been competing intensely with Russia. At the end of September 2017, the two leaders went to work together to prepare. "Space Station on the Moon" is the first

because she knows that "China" is really a Chang & # 39; an assignment that is not ordinary. Now, China has a lot of money.

If the United States, Russia and Europe do not hold together Believe that the next few years The moon can become a colony. The mines of China …

Reported by … The Special News Team

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