And the evening of July 27 to 28, while waiting for the three phenomena on the sky in Thailand.


National Institute of Astronautics 27-28 July, the Thai people to observe the three astronomical phenomena. Mars on the Sun – Eclipse of the Full Moon – The Longest Moon of the Year …

National Institute of Astronomy (Public Organization) (Ministry of Science and Technology) July 28, 2018, March was on the other side of the sun. Before orbiting the world in 15 years, it is very bright and has a larger size than normal. In the same night, the full eclipse of the second year of the year Eclipse lasted 1 hour and 43 minutes, the longest of the 21st century, and also the longest lunar phase of the year . Invited Thai people to watch 3 astronomical phenomena in Chiang Mai, Nakhon Ratchasima, Chachoengsao, Songkhla and 360 networks nationwide.

Dr. Saran Poshyanjinda, director of the National Institute of Astronomical Research, said that the night of July 27, 2018. It's the best time to observe Mars. The orbits are located in front of the Sun, after which they orbit around the Earth. Near the world's largest on July 31, 2018, at a distance of 57.6 million kilometers from an average distance of about 225 million kilometers, orbiting near the world record in 15 years since 2003 Mars is very bright and taller than normal. Notice the sun on the horizon. Southeast All night until dawn the next day

Moreover, after midnight on July 27, 2018, the eclipse of the Second World War took place in 2018. L & # 39; Complete eclipse has been produced in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North America, South America and the Pacific. Atlantic Indian Ocean And South Pole For Thailand to observe all areas across the country. Observed at the naked eye from 00:14 – 06:10 (weather in Thailand)

"For Thailand we can see the full moon from 02:30 to 04:13 in the morning to 1 hour 43 minutes, the full moon. longer of the 21st century, and also the eclipse of the full moon at the end of the year at a distance of 406,086 km, is a phenomenon of full moon eclipse. L & # 39; Earth observation near Mars and the Eclipse of the Full Moon from 27 to 28 July 2018 invited participants to join the event free from 18:00 to 04:30 at the main point of observation 1) Chiang Mai: Sirindhorn Astronomy Park, Mae Rim, Chiang Mai Tel: 081-8854353 2) Nakhon Ratchasima: Observatory in honor of the 7th anniversary of Nakhon Ratchasima Tel .: 086-4291489
3) Chachoengsao: Observatory in Chachoengsao's honor 7th round Tel. 4) Songkhla: Mermaid Beach, Samila Beach, Songkhla Province, Tel: 095-1450411 and 360 Astronomy Network at the national level. Discover the details.

In addition There are also many celestial objects, such as Venus in the early hours, appearing in the west. Followed by Jupiter, appearing in the south, in the high corners of Macbeth. Saturn appears in the firing area in the southeast arch. Other interesting astronomical activities, such as star gazing introduction. Learn the sky and the stars, and broadcast the phenomenon of the full moon from 00:00 to 04:30.
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