Deep Impact of reality! I'm sending the pin to break the comet.


"Comet", or who calls it a lot. The "giant" ice ball contains things that have not changed since the birth of the solar system.

In fact, this historian of space notes. Maybe not just the American people to celebrate. With the declaration of space. But for the whole world. I do not know what to do. "Shock of the Titans" last year poster poster LOCAL PRESS RELEASE (Photo by NASA / JPL)

Of course, the 4th of July is the day from America. Or memorial day and memorial for the United States, but it's another historic day. It is worth mentioning again

before that happens. From the knowledge of the comet "Temple-day" before the

Temple Day Comet was discovered in 1867 by the French name Wilhelm Temple, whose name is derived from the name of the researcher himself. He is the same person who discovered the comet Temple-Tract. (55P / Temple-Tuttle)

The cause of the Depression Project was to allow scientists to follow the cycle of the comet nucleus. In the sublimation of materials in the mantle at the outer shell. And Temple Day is in orbit so that we can crush it to reach it.

In simple terms, the goal of the Depapepe Not a missile launcher. Go destroy the comet to protect the world in the movie. But it's a small, headless shuttle. High speed collision with comets To study the structure of the comet's nucleus. Including the search for dust. And the gas inside. ( Information from

This study explores the basic components of the comet. The impactor of the Dopp Impact will enter the comet, which will result in a huge hole in the stadium size, while the Doppler will be in orbit. About 500 km to photograph and store the scientific data of a major accident. Before the environment is covered with dust for 13 minutes.

But still. With the name of the project Accompanied by the title of the Hollywood movie Deep Impact, released in 1998, and the comet that also hit the world.

Until now, when the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States (NASA) announced the " Send your name to a "Comet", as part of this operation, sent his own list.

A photo of the film Deep Impact in 1998

results appeared. There are 625,000 people who submit to the event.But in fact, the list continues to send in. Although the time to get the list gone ..

Of course On the day of the operation On July 4, 2005, people will wait to see the live broadcast of NASA

.This day arrived at 13.07 o'clock of July 3 by hour from Thailand.After a good L & Expedition has traveled 173 days, or nearly six months, with a distance of 431 million kilometers, near the comet Tempel-1, which is about half that of Manhattan in the United States Targeted comet Far from the world at about 133 million km

The voyage of good diving (Adapted from NASA)

The centerpiece, copper, and its proximity to refrigerator and a mass of 372 kilograms were released at noon on Sunday. (And on time in Thailand) and ran into the automatic navigation system by catching the target at the place where the sun is shining on the comet's nucleus. To make the collision of the comet with the force of explosive dynamite 4.5 tons, while the mother ship's observation camera. The distance is about 500 km

The collision occurred at 13:52 on July 4 in Thailand. And as defined by the operator. The results of the collision as mentioned. The mother ship can survive safely. Do not hurt yourself because a lot of people are worried.

The painting shows a beautiful boat (right) at its entrance. Collision with a comet (photo NASA / JPL)

However, in the last two hours before the collision The impedance battery, which has an integrated power source, has took pictures of the surface of the comet as the comet approaches. And the final image was taken just before the collision with the comet for 3.7 seconds. The photographs show the surface of the comet's nucleus, which looks a lot like the surface of the moon, which consists of a flat surface . Pitted And a long crest and a strange shape. Some images showed that the pulse struck the comet halfway between the hole two-three kilometers wide. "Donald Yeoman, Scientist of this Operation At NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, C & # 39; s is the center of the Spacecraft in this operation said.

"It strikes the point where we intend to. It is brilliant and there is more to go out than me and most of us anticipate.

Temple Comet 1 (Source: National Observatory of Kitt Peak It is believed that the comet, or that many call it, is. "Ice ball, dirt" giant Contains matter not adulterated from the birth of the solar system to about forty-six billion years ago (4.6 billion years ago). (The age of the universe is d & # 39; 39, about 14 billion years.) ]

Scientists hope to crack the surface of the comet Tempel Day.This gives them new insights into the original components of the solar system, and can -being information that helps answer the question of how life was born.And it is the source of the $ 333 million project


The people who work in this practice applaud and embrace and embrace the first view of the collision Jet Propulsion Center Controller, California [1965] 9016] while Charles Els, director of the Jet Propulsion Center, added: "At first, I mentioned that this job is a very risky job. And now we have had success. "

" We are working to open new frontiers in space exploration. And when we analyze the data. We will have a new understanding. In the history of the universe "(

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