Explore the "lake" under the ice on Mars.


World scientific circles are excited about the discovery of the European Space Agency The lake has confirmed on Mars.

July 26, Foreign News Agency As AFP reported. A team of scientists from the European Space Agency (ESA) has found signs of a larger lake 12 miles or 20 kilometers below the ice on Mars.

. It is time to collect data for 3 years from 2012-2015 (2012-2015) using the Marsis Marsis Mars Express satellite

. Meet the lake this time is considered. I can not say it clearly. Are there creatures on Mars? It is expected that the liquid water in the lake is still in a cool state on Mars. The lake water seems to have a mixture of sodium. Or the salt is very concentrated. I do not have any living organism.

Several years ago, research found that. There are watercourses that have passed through Mars. [ad_2]
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