Find the source of high-energy neutrons Originally from the active galaxy.


Detector of the high-energy neutrino observation tower in Antarctica. High energy neutrons have been discovered for the first time. […]

Astronomers recently announced the discovery of high-energy neutrons for the first time. With a detector of high energy neutrino observation tower in Antarctica. In the Ice Cube project And it can be confirmed that such high energy neutrons are derived from active galaxies outside the Milky Way

for neutrinos. Particles with very weak interactions with other particles. We have the ability to penetrate through various substances, including our body. It is very difficult to detect. Even astronomers can create neutrino detectors. And discover that neutrinos have a mass. Change the type as well. He led the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2015 for the high-energy neutrino detection method. Neutrinos must be measured from outside the solar system. International astronomers are working together on the Ice Cube project. Creates a high-energy neutrino observing tower in Antarctica on an area of ​​more than one square kilometer. When neutrinos travel in space, they collide with molecules of water. Is it a flashing light They can detect high energy neutrinos there

. The new high energy neutrino has not been detected three times. Until September 22, 2017, the neutrino detector of the Ice Cube project. Detect the high energy Orion neutrino corresponding to gamma rays several times from the active galaxy TXS 0506 + 056 in the Orion region. Astronomers therefore observe each wave. Radio waves with gamma rays. As observed by several wavelengths, the corresponding data is the active galaxy TXS 0506 + 056 in the glare phase. It is concluded that. The high-energy neutrons discovered are caused by gamma-ray bursts of these active galaxies. We expect the supermassive black hole in the center of this galaxy, in this case, to be a special galaxy called "blazer". He also found that this radiation does not come from the black hole itself. This is from the area around the black hole.

million. Apichumnak Watcharangkul Researcher of high energy astronomy. The National Institute of Astronomy (SNL) said the discovery of this high-energy neutrino. Led to a new era of astronomical physics observations. In addition to observations of celestial objects or electromagnetic data collected by researchers, researchers are also studying galaxies. Astronomical research has also sent students to participate in training courses in physics and particle astronomy. In collaboration with the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, one of the leading laboratories in the field of elementary particle physics,

Cooperate directly with Ice Cube Project. High energy neutrons can be found. Including the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) project, which plans to build the world's largest high-power gamma ray telescope in the near future, Drum is one of 212 institutions out of 32. Countries that play an important role in the CTA project co-design and manufacture glass. For more than 6,400 telescope coatings, the telescope will also be used to maintain the radar performance of the telescope.

In addition, the satellite also participates in the underground observatory of the Jiangmen neutrinos. This is a big neutrino detector project in China. In addition to studying the features. Neutrinos. The Juno project is also a neutron detector for the active galaxy. The function of (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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