I do not know what to do. I do not know how to survive. Check it out.


  Persons born on the same day should not be together. I do not know how to survive. Let's see that.

Let's see what birth day is wrong. Should not be associated. Some days together and close together. Some days are hostile. Simple Czech birthdays. We know we should meet friends. What is the date? But human life is referenced by natural stars. The human will change. Belief is not always correct. It's just a belief. Please use the judgment when reading

The day is not born.

Man born on Monday. It was not Sunday.

– Monday is an element of water. Will not be Sunday because it is an element of fire. Some textbooks say that people must be married Monday and Sunday. Because the sky is the same. But scientifically The full moon is very bright. Because it will draw sunlight. It must not be the same because the moon has stolen the sun.

People born on Tuesday. I'm not born on Friday

– Tuesday and Friday will not be the same. The manual says Tuesday is a whirlwind. Is it the wind of the sun Friday is a normal wind. It is not like that. Have a stronger ego. Tuesday, it can take place on Friday.

Wednesday This is not Saturday.

Because Saturday is the land. Wednesday is the element of the wind. Note that the time of winter. When the wind is cold. Will cause autumn. The earth is broken. The wind is too strong to plant rice. I do not know what to do, but I do not know how to do it. The same reason Saturday

people born on Thursday. This is not a Sunday.

Because in astronomy. A star larger than the sun is Jupiter. People are not tall, not as good as me.

– Unspecified Saturday with people Wednesday Wednesday, day and night

– Sunday is not with people Monday. And the people Thursday

then the day. Who are you?

Friday Wednesday

– Friday is the element of the wind. Will be a good speaker Excellent human relations. The mouth with the heart does not match. That's good with Wednesday is a common element of the wind. Take the habit of speaking well both. When you meet, it will be fun but hilarious. I have a problem with that.