Organic molecules on the moon Eneladas


Since 2005, the National Administration of Aeronautics and Space of the United States or NASA Collaboration with the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency In the mission to send a Cassini spacecraft to explore Saturn. This mission ended in the year 2060. The vehicle burned until Saturn to be completed. But the information gathered by the gear is of great value to scientists and recent astronomers

. A team of scientists from the University of Heidelberg in Germany. Takes information from the Cassini to investigate and discover the exciting data of Enceladus satellite (Enceladus) Saturn Saturn. I wondered how long it would take to live the life of the creature. Complex organic molecules essential to life are vomited with hot springs. Through the cracks of the ice shell on the surface of the star. Scientists explain This discovery shows that organic compounds on the surface of stars and seasonal fluctuations of methane in the atmosphere. It is a great evidence that in ancient times our planetary neighbors may have living organisms

. Although Enceladine Moon may have a state of life. But it is also possible that organic compounds are found. It can occur from other sources, such as meteorites, or activities in the deep submarine deep into the moon itself. It is not possible to point out that Eneladas has a living organism on the moon.

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