Panic! The radar shines and finds lakes under glaciers on Mars.


Italian scientists confirm Mars Exploration Radar detects a southern glacial lagoon. On Wednesday, July 25, the Italian Space Agency (ISA) published a new study in the science journal Science Journal. Mars explores the lake beneath the ice cap under the red planet. The hope is that future organisms can be discovered

. Mars Advanced Radar for the underground and ionospheric (MARSIS) sounding instrument on Mars Mars Mars Express from the European Space Agency orbiting Mars. Explore the glaciers that cover the southern polar regions of Mars or the "Oscillator" region by sending radar waves through the ice sheet and checking the reflected waveform.

Scientists use the reflected wave to create a map that shows the signal change to a depth of about 1 m. They believe. This signal is liquid and stable.

Professor Roberto Oroso of the National Institute of Physics Leadership in this study. "This may not be a big lake," Maris could not measure the depth of the aquifer. "It's a feature of a lake, not a melt, in the channel between the rock and the ice.When it came to Tharu, there was a lot of ice on the planet", explains Professor Orosse

Manich Patel of the Open University Says at the BBC news agency that the results have not confirmed that there were creatures on Mars. "We are not close to discovering life on Mars, but this discovery provides a place to explore for us.It's like a treasure map.Only in this case.No, the & # 39; cross & # 39; mark the point "

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