Excited .. The organisms found important for life on the Eneladas moon. Saturn Saturn C is also the first to detect complex molecules on another planet. It is not a world filled with water.
On June 30, 61 foreign news agencies reported. NASA reports NASA spacecraft data And the Cassini spacecraft flew over the Enelada moon. The Cassini spacecraft will destroy itself when it has completed its mission of exploration of Saturn, which lasted 20 years. Cassini spacecraft data revealed that the moon of Enceladus, Saturn There are organic molecules , all that is important for life
. Astronomers have released a molecule of organic molecules from the nucleus of the moon. Organic pollutants include carbon dioxide, oxygen and may include nitrogen. More complex than many amino acids. And it's about 10 times thicker than methane.

while it is believed to be under the surface of the Moon, Enceladus Is it the ocean It has a hot nucleus and porous hidden under the deep ocean up to 50 km, where the heat that receives the mineral deposits on the bottom of the ocean can cause organic matter.
"This is the first time that a fish is detected. The first complex organic molecule. From a planet other than an aquatic world, Frank Postburg of the University of Heidelberg
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