The factors that make life on Europa


On July 17, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) reported the discovery of twelve additional Jupiter moons, giving Jupiter a total of 79 satellites

. Small, big, like a diameter of 3 to 5 900 km long, but astronomers have not put the moon is a small dwarf moon moon. Hand with Planet Dwarf Case But let's call it the moon as long as it revolves around the planet. The results show that the Lunar name Valetudo is the smallest. But we do not know if they are ice cubes or both. And that will keep him small. How long? There are 78 other moons in the area, so the chances of a collision are very possible.

Of a total of 79 moons of Jupiter, there is also Carme, Ananke, Leda, Adrastea, Thebe, Métis, etc. The main stars are Io, Europa, Ganymede, Calisto. 400 years later, the study of the four moons shows that Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system. Magnetic Field Io is a moon that orbits very close to Jupiter and has a "life" because the surface of the star moves and changes to be covered by lava that is thrown off the volcano on the planet. Interestingly, but Europa, which is slightly smaller than the moon of the world. Return to top Voyager's photographs, both Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Galileo, show that Europa is covered by a sea of ​​ice covered with stars.


Ancient Greek myths refer to Europa as a daughter of the King of the Phoenician Kingdom, she is so beautiful that Zeus falls in love with the day. One day while she was in the sea near Sidon (today Lebanon) to rest, Zeus could not resist. He became a cow. He knows that Europe loves the cow. As soon as she saw the cow He walked closer. The cow has collapsed, inviting him to ride on his back. She was fooled. Then the ox ran to the sea. Zeus returned to cross the Mediterranean Sea to the west of Crete Zeus confessing his love to her, and she agrees to be one of the gods. Zeus

At that time, Europa gave birth to three sons, Sayredon, Rhadamanthys and Minos, and established the royal family as the royal family of Crete, which gave birth to the Minoan civilization.

It was mentioned by the historian Herodotus that on the island of Crete there is a group of men who are crazy as mad cow. One day, this man invaded the girl of Europa in the Phoenician king for a ransom, because she had a beautiful face, with a round face like the moon and a sharp eye. She became the goddess of the moon and eventually became one of Jupiter's Zeus. (Jupiter)

In astronomy, the link between Zeus and Europa has recurred. When the astronomers named Galileo met four moons and a quarter of those moons. Europa

In 1977, Robert Ballard (an underwater explorer who sank in the Atlantic Ocean) drove a submarine to explore the Pacific Ocean at the Mild-Ocean Ridge, which s & # 39; Under the sea, like the Alps, it can be seen that even if the region is not bathed in sunshine, it is completely dark and without vegetation. But there are thousands of underwater volcanoes. And some kids spray hot lava all the time. The water in the surroundings is very hot. May lead to fade. But what surprised Ballard most was seeing worm-like creatures with long rounded bodies like water pipes, clams and bacteria that could live together. By symbiosis, getting and energizing through chemical reactions.

It's a creature that biologists believe. Born as the first species on the earth. Because he can live in a ruthless environment, such as hot, very salty, very cold, very alkaline or acidic.

To this day. Astronomers find that this kind of (extremophilic) organism is not on the earth. But can be found on Titan's moon, Enceladus and Mimas of Saturn, including Europa, Ganymede and the moon of Calisto Jupiter. Under the ice surface of the moon, and they evaluated the chance of finding these lunar creatures. Most astronomers are of the opinion that Europe is likely to have the most living organisms. In addition to a diameter of 3 123 km, the density is about 2 grams / cubic centimeter. And the atmosphere is very diluted, the surface of Europe is cracked everywhere. This is a crack caused by the motion of the star shell.

In 1977, NASA sent Voyager ยาน into orbit via Jupiter and Saturn. The craft photographed several volcanic eruptions on the moon Io of Jupiter. And yet, the orbiter was far from Europe, so it was not possible to see the details of what was happening on the surface.

Two years later, NASA sent Voyager ยาน. And the vehicle reported that on July 9, 1979, a camera on the vehicle recorded images of many springs sprung from the southern polar region of the star. The images that were sent back to Earth at distances of 500 million kilometers made astronomers very excited. Io knew that the volcano on the moon was dusting the dust. And ashes fall on Europa taking sulfur from volcanic coal. One of the essential elements of the life of creatures.

In 1989, NASA sent Galileo vehicles to explore Jupiter. A fleet of Galilee has confirmed that under the surface of Europe, the sea is about 100 km deep, so that it has a volume of about 3,000 million cubic kilometers of water. ;water. (The world has an average depth of 3.6 km and the volume of ocean water in the world is about 1 390 million cubic kilometers.) The sea on Europe has more than Water that the sea Galileo also sees the anomalies of the magnetic field of Europa. Confirm that the sea is rocking. And it also shows the movement of plate tectonics: Europa is the second star of the solar system, where the stellar crust moves like the Earth

The moon at Galilee was first seen in 1610 (during the reign of Emperor Tate), in orbit of 671,100 kilometers (about twice the distance from Jupiter to Jupiter). It is about 3.55 days from Galileo orbiting Jupiter. Thus, any spacecraft that will be sent to the Europa survey must have strong Jovian cosmic rays. Jupiter sends a high intensity magnetic field when the protons of the sun are magnetized near the light.

In 2022, the European Space Agency (ESA) decided to send the Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (JUICE) to explore Europe. NASA plans to send the Europa Clipper into orbit around Europe at a distance of about 25 km

but this project could be revised in the future. It was not worth it. If the vehicle does not land on Europa, the answer is that the star has an organism. NASA has made it clear that size does not arise on the star. This project will have to spend up to 5,000 million baht if the vehicle lands. The cost of gas chromatography, mass spectrometer and infrared spectrometer is about to increase, and in the operation of the equipment, the solar cells have to work very well because Europa is far from the sun . At the same time, the spacecraft will land on Europa NASA to ensure that the ice surface on the planet has no type of microbes on the planet.

For the spectrometric equipment necessary for the analysis of elements. On the planet, you have to bring it to the water. It does not mean that the stars will have life. In reality, life requires a lot of other elements and energy to live. That's from the elements. Driven by the volcano under the water. And get oxygen from the water

at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in the United States. Scientists simulate a situation on the Europa Moon in the laboratory by giving the temperature and pressure of the room. Including radiation. It is similar or closer to the one found on Europa, after which it observes changes in the surface of the ice with cosmic rays.

On May 14, 2017, in the journal Nature Astronomy, a team of NASA scientists analyzed the image of the Galileo spacecraft that had taken the Europa moon between 1995 and 2003. This clearly showed that. The fountains flew from the surface of the star up to 180 km above the surface of the star. Although the hot springs of Yellowstone Park in America are 56 meters high,

as the Galileo spacecraft approached Europa, the spacecraft detected it. The magnetic field suddenly changes direction. There is no explanation at this time, but at this point, NASA has the answer. Because the spaceship orbited it ejected out of the star at high speed.

JUICE spacecraft at the European Space Agency sent to Jupiter. And the moon this satellite. It is planned to leave the world in 2022 and reach its destination in 2030. The ship will have 11 devices that measure the intensity of the magnetic field. Study the water under the surface of the moon ice Ganymede, Europa and Calisto because scientists believe. In liquid water, there are many organic compounds and in the ocean there are hot springs.

As soon as JUICE enters orbit around Europa, the vehicle's magnetometer begins to measure the intensity of the magnetic field to which everyone thinks. Eddy Underwater Ice

An analysis of the data will give scientists an idea of ​​the depth of the sea in Europe. What salinity? And what is the thickness of the ice surface? The final information is important because NASA wants to send robotic spacecraft to study the geography of the sea directly under Europa.The robot must be located on a thick and strong ice surface.

He brings back to Earth once a day for 3 consecutive years, and before it gets destroyed by passing through the dense atmosphere of Jupiter and ESA waits that the data be sent to Texans. The Madrid data center in Spain has 2,000 network employees in England, Italy, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, France and the United States.

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Professional Experience – Approval Bureau of Science Department of Physics and Astronomy and Professor of Physics 11 Srinakharinwirot University, Outstanding Scientist and Outstanding National Researcher Physical Science and Mathematics Education – Bachelor's and Master's degree from the University of London, Ph.D. Read this article "World of Science" from "Prof. Dr. Suthat Tanasan" every Friday

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