Watch Moon Eclipse Full Moon – With Clear March – Cool


Look at the bloody lunar eclipse. On July 24, CNN reported that the complete phenomenon of the lunar eclipse, or Rahu Moon, was the longest. In the 100 years, July 27, which will be public in many countries.

The lunar eclipse will appear full in about 1 hour and 43 minutes, while the phenomenon lasts 3 hours 55 minutes

The lunar eclipse phenomenon only occurs. During the full moon But this time it's special than other times. Because it's a bloody moon. It is from a vertical alignment that corresponds between the sun, the earth and the moon, where the Earth is centered between the moon and the sun.

Brad Tucker, astronomer From the Australian National University. The moon does not enter the world. And the sun is why we do not see lunar eclipse in every cycle of the lunar orbit.

In addition to the bloody moon. Mars will have more light than normal. This will see two red planets in the airspace. Mars will orbit the sun before orbiting the Earth.

Mars will be clearer before dawn on July 30 and July 31 and will also see the naked eye. "width =" 780 "height =" 438 "data-has-syndication-rights =" 1 "data-portal-copyright =" Matichon Public Co., Ltd. "srcset =" th / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / 180723150820-01-total-lunar-eclipse-blood-moon-ex-large-169.jpg 780w, /2018/07/180723150820-01-total-lunar-eclipse-blood-moon-exlarge-169-300×168.jpg 300w, 180723150820-01-total-lunar-eclipse-blood-moon-ex-large-169-768×431.jpg 768w, -lunar-eclipse-blood-moon-ex-large-169-696×391.jpg 696w, blood-moon-exlarge-169-748×420.jpg 748w "sizes =" (max-width: 780px) 100vw, 780px "/>

Look at the lunar eclipse of blood.People see all this phenomenon at the Naked eye.But it depends on the weather.It is there that the phenomenon is revealed to me.For the Tha Ireland, observe all regions of the country with the naked eye, especially from 00:14 to 06:10

. 🙁 Shine "Red Mars." The Moon "is the first full moon of the 61s. Do not miss 31 Jan

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