Top 10 viral videos of all time


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30 thoughts on “Top 10 viral videos of all time”

  1. Gannam style was for sure number one. When it came out it was everything just like the fidget spinners when they came out…except gannam style lived on for ever and fidget spinners died around the beginning of 2018

  2. This video says the Chocolate Rain lyrics are "supposedly about institutional racism" — there's nothing "supposed" about it; they are about institutional racism — but the narrator claims they "make no sense".
    Ugh, sometimes these Top 10 videos really pander to the lowest common denominator. The "Chocolate Rain" lyrics make plenty of sense unless you're too young or too ignorant to see the clear metaphors in the lyrics.
    When you make this kind of lazy, unjustifiably smug critique, it makes me not wanna watch your videos.

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