Type 2 Diabetes: Three Food Groups That Lower Blood Sugar Levels


Type 2 diabetes is a disease that causes a person to lose control of their blood sugar. The risk of diabetes increases with age, making diabetes common in older people. Medical experts estimate that about 25% of adults over age 60 have diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease, which means that the longer a person suffers, the more help they need to manage their blood sugar. This may require medications and possibly injected insulin may be needed. Fortunately, with appropriate lifestyle and diet adjustments, the condition can be better managed and potentially even reversed. These three foods could help reduce blood sugar levels.

Type 2 diabetes involves problems with glucose deficiency in the cells.

When the sugar fails to reach its goal, it causes a rise in blood sugar, which can lead to complications such as damage to the kidneys, nerves and eyes, and exposes a person to a risk of cardiovascular illnesses. .

The recommended diets for type 2 diabetics to follow are: vegetarian, vegan, paleo diet and mediterranean diet.

With regard to snacks for type 2 diabetics, which ones are considered the best?

Pumpkin seeds have been associated with several health benefits, including improved heart health, prostate health and protection against certain cancers.


Nuts are an excellent choice for type 2 diabetics when it comes to snacking.

Nuts are known to help boost insulin resistance, control blood sugar and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Nuts are rich in dietary fiber that takes longer to decompose and digest, which ensures the slow release of sugar in the blood.

Nuts also have a low glycemic index, making them ideal for type 2 diabetics.


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