Valley News – Forum, October 4: Vaccine avoidance by healthcare workers is incomprehensible


Published: 10/03/2021 22:00:03

Modified: 10/03/2021 22:00:05

Avoidance of vaccine by health workers incomprehensible

Sadly, this pandemic has exposed the worst to our citizens and residents. He politicized what in the past would have been seen as common sense and empathy. It is difficult for me to understand how people who are working or preparing to work in a health care setting are willing to quit their jobs or studies to avoid getting the vaccine.

I am a retired doctor and a teacher in a teaching medical center. Students are encouraged to be skeptical and show intellectual curiosity when presented with recently published studies and new technologies. Students and practitioners must be critical thinkers; they need to understand the scientific method; evaluate or obtain assistance in evaluating the data presented; realize that science is constantly evolving due to new information and discoveries. We need to recognize our biases and be intellectually honest when our preconceived beliefs don’t turn out to be valid. We must certainly be able to assess the disadvantages and advantages of the choices we have to make.

Students and practitioners alike need to do the hard work that is required to find credible sources on which to base our decisions. Students are constantly tested on their medical knowledge during their studies. When they graduate and face various illnesses, life becomes an “open book” ordeal. Sadly, those who have chosen to quit or interrupt their studies because they refuse to be vaccinated have failed their most basic course: the study of public health. It is better for all of us, including their patients, that they look to another profession.



The author is Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Geisel School of Medicine in Dartmouth.

Maybe we’re disobeying a righteous God

Forum contributor Corlan Johnson asked if we need nurses who don’t believe in science and don’t care enough about getting vaccinated. (“Do we really need nurses who ignore science?” September 30). Maybe they know more than we do about the science of the vaccine and its lasting effects. We get information about the vaccine from Big Pharma and the government.

In the same issue, Forum contributor David Goldberg wrote: “Because of climate change, our planet is burning” (“Ignoring climate change fire”). Perhaps this is the natural result of our disobedience and our rejection of a righteous God, as 2 Peter 3:10 says: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.



Will the protesters be arrested?

Where are the arrests of the people who forced New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu to cancel recent Executive Council meeting (“Vaccine Protest Disrupts Meeting,” September 30)? They made violent threats; they went beyond freedom of expression at an official public meeting. Their names and photographs are in the newspapers.

Will the make-up meeting have police protection?



The insurgency has divided us

Many say that the January 6 insurgency was nowhere near as bad as September 11, 2001. Really? September 11 was perpetrated by fanatic terrorists outside our country and brought all Americans together. The insurgency was a group of fanatical terrorists from within our country, and it hardly brought us together. It has divided us even more. Together we are standing. Divided we fall.



Listen to people

I wrote to all of my representatives telling them to take their blinders off and listen to us the people.

Forget parliamentarians, special interests and most importantly the treacherous proposal to remove some of the most popular provisions of the Build Back Better Act. Poll voters and represent them. And when it comes time to vote, promote this unmodified will of the people. In the meantime, they should convince their peers to do the same. We talked.


White river junction

The gun control effort comes as no surprise

That President Joe Biden wants gun control should come as no surprise to anyone, especially any student of world history, as gun control has been a common desire among tyrants for hundreds of years now.


North Haverhill

List at least the extinct species

It was disheartening to see that 23 species were declared extinct by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (September 30). But couldn’t you have found a place to list them all, even if the original Associated Press article didn’t?




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