20 Duval County Managers Should Be Reallocated to New …

[ad_1] JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Twenty Duval County principals should be reassigned to new schools for the 2019-2020 school year, the school district announced to News4Jax. A spokeswoman for Duval County Public Schools said the district recognized that school leadership was at the heart of school culture, teacher development, parent engagement and, more importantly, student achievement. … Read more

HIGHLIGHTS: The Toronto Raptors and their fans celebrate the NBA championship with a massive parade

[ad_1] Millions of fans stormed the streets of downtown Toronto on Monday to watch the Raptors parade after the team's victory as the NBA World Champion. Once the parade went to Nathan Phillips Square, players and coaches were announced, along with Mayor John Tory, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ontario Premier Doug Ford. Tory gave … Read more

Mario Kart VR arrives in Southern California

[ad_1] The multiplayer VR experience works on the HTC Vive and can integrate four players at a time. You can choose between Mario Kart VR, Argyle Shift, and Ski Rodeo. Bandai Namco, the company behind Mario Kart VRhope to bring the game into more US states, but did not announce the cities to come. [ad_2] … Read more

The NASA OSIRIS-REx spacecraft takes a great photo of the asteroid Bennu from just 0.4 kilometers away

[ad_1] The asteroid Bennu, seen here after the insertion "Orbital B" of OSIRIS-REx.Photo: NASA / Goddard / University of Arizona / Lockheed Martin (https://www.asteroidmission.org/) NASA's NASA asteroid sampling spacecraft OSIRIS-REx, currently positioned around the tiny near-Earth asteroid 101955 Bennu, has for the moment transmitted its closest photo to the surface of the asteroid. NASA has … Read more

Lives destroyed by NHS failures in eating disorders

[ad_1] Copyright of the image Getty Images Lives are being lost and destroyed by the NHS 'inability to provide care to people with eating disorders, say MPs and activists. They say that more than a million people have a eating disorder, but that the help of a specialist is often difficult to access. Patients can … Read more

"The Bachelorette": A man buys Hannah Brown an engagement ring: "He is ready to offer"

[ad_1] "The Bachelorette": A man buys Hannah Brown an engagement ring: "He is ready to propose" | Entertainment tonight arrow-mobile-leftleft arrowright-mobile-arrowright arrowGroup 7Gallery Icon Copy 2Play video button Copy 5Burger menuInstagramTwitterYoutubeShare button7C858890-6955-48EA-B871-66CE1E33590CCopy video play button Skip to main content [ad_2] Source link