✅ Hard-hard, William Bonner delivers the frame and leaves Renata Vasconcellos dull in "JN"


William Bonner delivers the frame and leaves of Renata Vasconcellos
William Bonner and Renata Vasconcellos promoted a fun time at the "Jornal Nacional". (Image: Reproduction / Globe)

William Bonner left Renata Vasconcellos "Red" at the end of the edition of this Wednesday (27) "National newspaper", from Globo.

The moderator and editor exposed a moment behind the scenes when the journalist was entertained by Brazilian fans at the Red Square station in Moscow, the capital of Russia.

"Renata is a special case on TV Globo, because Renata offers her talent, elegance and delicacy every night in" Jornal Nacional. "But today Renata Vasconcellos has revealed in Brazil a new talent: regent of Brazilian fans in Red Square Congratulations, thank you very much, no need to become red "said Bonner.

Visibly embarrbaded, Renata reprimanded him with a joke: "Look, it's not done!". Galvão Bueno thanked the colleague for not having been exposed in the television news: "Bonner, thank you, because there was a little while it was me who did it."

Before that, the narrator asked William Bonner not to forget to ask the reporter to guess the match between Brazil and Mexico, while Renata hit the scoreboard of the Brazilian national team against Serbia.

See the moment:

Willian Bonner embarrbading compatriot and regent Renata Vasconcellos live on #National Journal #JN pic.twitter.com/VIui4iQat9

– ◼BRN◼ (@Paixaobrunosou) June 28, 2018

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Source: RD1.com

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