A recent study from Avast has provided disturbing information about Brazil's habits regarding the configuration of its routers. According to the study, 43% of Brazilians have never accessed the interface of their router's administration.
This is a serious security problem. When the user does not set his pbadwords, they remain set at the factory, which opens loopholes for malicious people. After all, if anyone knows that all "X" brand routers have the same Wi-Fi connection and the same admin pbadword, it's not difficult to connect to the network of a user who has never changed his settings. banking information and data, for example
The Digital Look shows you how to access the administrative interface of your router and change its pbadword and the Wi-Fi connection of the main brands.
Changing the Administrator Pbadword
Each router has a kind of control panel. You can make changes to your network, including changing your Wi-Fi pbadword and blocking access.
To access this part of the router, you need to know its IP address. If you do not know how to do this, read this article for steps to access this article. Access this administrative part, see step by step to change the administrator pbadword according to manufacturer:
- On the login screen, put "admin" as [19659009] Lecture ” width=”860″ height=”225″/>
- Go to the "Maintenance" tab and go to "Administer the Device". Set a new pbadword, repeat it in the "Confirm Pbadword" field and click "Save Settings"
- Use the word "admin "without quotation marks. the user and pbadword fields. If this identification information does not work, consult the router or manual for the correct user name and pbadword. They end up varying in some models
- Once login is done, go to the option "System Tools> Pbadword" in the left menu. When you load the page, fill in the fields that are in the central screen for the login and pbadword of the user.
Linksys or Cisco
- Use the word "admin" without the quotation marks
- Set a new pbadword using the "Router Pbadword" field and confirm with the "
<img src =" data : image / gif; base64, R0lGODdhAQABAPAAAP /// wAAACwAAAAAAQABAEACAkQBADs = "data-lazy-src =" https://cache.olhardigital.com.br/uploads/acervo_imagens/2018/06/20180629171304.jpg "alt =" Intelbras [1965908] Login with the word "admin" without the quotes in the user field
- Enter the pbadword of the previous router in the first field and set a new pbadword just below.
How to change the pbadword of Wi-Fi connection
In the same control panel where the login has been changed, when navigating other functions it It is also possible to recover or set a new pbadword for the Wi-Fi connection. It is recommended to do this periodically to avoid unwanted people on the network. See:
- Look for the configuration in the top menu of the screen, then go to "Wireless Settings" as highlighted in the image. At the bottom of the page, click "Manual Wireless Network Setup"
- Set a new pbadword in the "Pre-Shared Key" field. -Lien
- Locate the "PSK Pbadword" field and set a new pbadword in the menu on the left. Click on "Save".
Linksys or Cisco
- Wireless "and enter" Wireless Security "
- Search for the "pbadword" field and set a pbadword;
- When finalizing the changes, click
- Below the type of coding you will find the current pbadword, replace it with a new one and click on "Save"
Additional Configurations
Also check out this digital looking deal with 6 steps to make your router safer.
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Source: Digital Look
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