According to Pinheiro Machado police, in Rio Grande do Sul, young people will answer for crimes known as homicide and concealment of corpse
A 12-year-old girl and her boyfriend, 16, were arrested last Friday (29) on suspicion of having killed their mother.
A 37-year-old girl, around 6 pm the previous day, in the town of Pinheiro Machado, in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul.
According to the civilian police, the body of the girl's mother was found in a backyard of the house where they lived the day after her death. The crime occurred on Thursday afternoon (28), but it was only on Friday that the 16-year-old would have told a family member who called the Military Brigade and set off the Trusteeship Council
. delegate Luís Eduardo S. Benites, of Pinheiro Machado, the teenagers confessed to the crime. They said that his mother and boyfriend had a misunderstanding. The victim would be against the relationship of the two young men. "In the boy's testimony, he says that his mother was against the court and tried to attack him with a machete, he said that he defended himself and that the girlfriend appeared with a hammer and that they hit the mother's head in the emotion "
Crime scene expertise shows, however, indications of planned crime. According to the examination, there are signs that the victim was beaten in bed. The MP said that there was blood on the pillow and blood on the walls. "Faced with this, there may be another possibility: that they killed the victim during his sleep," he explained. of 12, was in the house at the time the crime occurred. The child has not been heard yet and should have a testimony in a special room.
The 12-year-old girl was referred to the Fase unit (Attention Socio Educativo Foundation) of Porto Alegre and the 16-year-old boyfriend was taken away
According to police, young people will answer for crimes of homicide and hide corpses.
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