Few doubts that this time – in his third attempt – Andrés Manuel López Obrador would be elected President of Mexico.
Polls have already put it in mind during the campaign, but his victory, with more than 53% of
"The changes will be profound, but they will be in accordance with the established legal order there will be freedom of business, freedom of expression, badociation and beliefs, "he said at first.
In the last part of the campaign, candidates Ricardo Anaya, of the For Mexico Front coalition, and José Antonio Meade of the Todos coalition
are the first left-wing presidents of the country for decades.
By the fast count, Anaya got a little over 22% of the vote and Meade, just under 16%. The two men quickly recognized his defeat and the triumph of AMLO, the initials for which Andrés Manuel López Obrador is known
But what were the decisive points for him to reach the presidency of Mexico?
Experts consulted by BBC News Mundo, the Spanish BBC service, highlights the three main ones:
1. Increasingly conciliatory
"AMLO has an indisputable merit: his team and he have for years insisted on the creation of a grbadroots organization and have managed to maintain a structure that defies and defeats the other parties, "says Sergio Aguayo. , a political scientist at Colégio de México (Colmex), a Mexican higher education institution focused on the study of the humanities and social sciences
In addition, the successor of Enrique Peña Nieto adopted a tone more conciliatory and pragmatic in this campaign, says José Luis Berlanga, specialist of political theory at the University of Monterrey (Udem)
"This time, he proposed a movement" hug ", in his alliance there was of place for all who wanted to add, of all colors and tastes, "says Berlanga
That's why he managed to convey a less ideologized and more moderate image
People who were previously unthinkable joined forces in his campaign.
His campaign coordinator, Tatiana Clouthier, is another example
She is the daughter of Manuel Clouthier, who was running for president of the National Action Party ( PAN) in 1988. She has she herself served in the right-wing party until 2005.
But the biggest controversy was caused by the coalition formed with the Social Encounter Party (PSE)
"Although it is still necessary to see how it will work in the government, as a candidate that has benefited him, he has increased the votes, "he says.
Many consider the alliance between AMLO and ESP unnatural. 19659002] The sociologist Roger Bartra, more critical of AMLO, said that the elected president "made such a leap right that he approached the university. former Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). "
Revolutionary Party Instance
"This rapprochement with the old PRI helped him to capture the sympathy of members unhappy with the technocratic turn of the current party," Bartra says, adding that AMLO is a "new incarnation of the Latin American tradition of populism".
This contributed to the crisis of the government of Ernesto Peña Nieto (whom AMLO will replace for the
The one who particularly hurt Peña Nieto was that of the "White House" , a property valued at US $ 7 million (
The mansion was sold by the Higa Group, which received public works contracts at the time Peña Nieto was Governor of the State of Mexico
The violence in the country, in turn, continues to increase.The year 2017 has been the bloodiest of recent decades, with more than 29,000 murders.
The specialist in the 39; University of Monterrey observes that in the face of this saturation of the government, considered corrupt, "a part of citizens perceives in AMLO the possibility of a real change."
In addition, the image that AMLO is an honest politician, he adds.
To a certain extent, it also symbolizes the anti-system politician. He has always been away from Peña Nieto, maintaining a very critical and harsh speech against the government and more traditional parties, says the expert.
"He has capitalized on this feeling of anger and, for the electorate, represents the possibility of punishing those who have done wrong and have done badly," he says.
3. War between the PRI and the PAN
The experts agree that AMLO benefited from the war between the PRI and the PAN.
Although it is not known why this fight began, we know that the two sides were close during the six years of Peña
Nieto and that at some point began a battle that is not yet over.
Bartra has stated that the agreement between the parties occurred when a part of the PAN broke an agreement by which
"She was an extremely weak candidate – as she was seen later, when she resigned, but in this understanding, the PRI had the opportunity to win the elections. "
Entering the electoral race e, Ricardo Anaya – who was considered a potential candidate to win – managed to ruin the plan, according to the expert.
"The PAN wing (Anaya party) who was close to the PRI was indignant, and there was very strong confrontation
Thus, the government and the PRI concentrated their battle not against Lopez Obrador, as expected but against Anaya, who became the main enemy.
they made a terrible mistake, because the more they fought Anaya and used the Prosecution against him, the more AMLO grew. According to Berlanga, the breakup between the PRI and the PAN probably took place during the elections of the State of Mexico and Coahuila in 2017 – the PRI took over the PAN region in the badessment of the latter.
The process continued to take place To intensify until Anaya threatened to investigate Peña Nieto and bring him to jail when he discovered anything against him.
En In any case, badysts agree that AMLO was the winner – the vote in which the citizen chooses a candidate not necessary. Essentially because it's his favorite, but to prevent another, who feels worse, from winning.
In the case of Mexico, some of the supporters of Berlanga and Aguayo agreed that they were not willing to vote for the candidate who was in second place because of the high tension between the two. parts.
Mixture of Revolt and Hope
Though Part of the Mexicans Voted
But a Less Naive or Irrational Hope Than That Experienced in 2000, Asserts the researcher of Colmex
"We know that AMLO is not a miracle cure, but it is thought that it will take more seriously the major national problems," he said.
The new president will take office on December 1st.
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