& # 39; Shutdown & # 39; finishes a month in the United States with no solution in sight | World


The partial closure of the US government lasted one month on Tuesday (22) without a congressional budget agreement. And there is little hope that the "closure" – which is already weighing heavily on the US economy – is coming to an end soon.

  US President Donald Trump at a ceremony at the White House Photo: Yuri Gripas / Reuters   President of the United States, Donald Trump, President of the United States, Donald Trump, at of a ceremony at the White House. Photo: Yuri Gripas / Reuters "data-src =" https: //s2.glbimg.com/78Y3 President of the United States, Donald </source></source></source></source></source></picture> </div>
<p clbad= Trump refuses to sign any finance law that does not consider the 5.7 billions of dollars needed to fight illegal immigration. Photo: Yuri Gripas / Reuters

Democrats oppose labor financing because it is considered "immoral," expensive and inefficient.

On Saturday, Trump proposed to extend the stay of a million immigrants about to be deported: dreamers, undocumented young people arriving in the United States while they were children accompanied by their parents, as well as beneficiaries of temporary protection programs. (TPS) in the acronym in English.

On Tuesday, Congress resumed work after Monday – a holiday in the United States – without a solution in sight.

"Without a wall, our country can never have borders or national security," Trump told Twitter, accusing Democrats of playing "political games."

In response, Nancy Pelosi, majority leader in the House, accused the president and the Republicans who control the Senate of holding the Americans "hostage".

  Pelosi and Trump cancel their commitments </li>
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  A sign near Great Smoky Mountains Park, Tennessee, warns of paralyzed closures in the United States - Photo: Robert Berlin / The Berlin (Photo: Robert Berlin / The Daily Times via AP "src =") "It's a good thing," he said. Date: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAARABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGgAAAgIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcDBQQGCP / EABYBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQDAv / aAAwDAQACEAMQAAABVUTOzZ7StowFRK3T2oAk1OmQIr // xAAeEAABBAIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAECAwUGEhM0FP / aAAgBAQABBQKBFFUiJvbKpux + EkNp51cH1moZZzEAh4r7EEq / btPhX EABoRAAICAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAjEDESH // / // 2gAIAQMB AT8Bi1vpChGOj EABgRAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAiEx / 9oACAECAQE / AdZTpaRbfk3 / xAAjEAACAgECBgMAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMRABIhEBMUMTJhIkJx / 9oACAEBAAY / AlmCcvULF9sYI2iK9hWMDuRRF59caKfpGha / FCzeu2PHJO6KK0O8HlnVQA8 lv5be6FcDjY34OH + / xAAhEAEAAQMEAgMAAAAAAAAAAAABABEhMRBBYXGhsVGB8P / aAAgBAQABPyGtIBk40R yWphQztmrL1Ho3Tg8YV54aZzUUKbREIw4YVctito2BKHr4DlZ18aft 2FJ + / On / 9oADAMBAAIAAwAAABCbLxz / xAAXEQADAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATGR / 9oACAEDAQE / EGYrRILLH EABoRAQABBQAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAEAEBFBUfD // / // 2gAIAQIBAT8QBsq9uKEo4z xAAjEAEBAAEDAQkAAAAAAAAAAAABESEAMVEQQWFxkbHB0fDx / 9oACAEBAAE / EH4tPcAq3Nm7NzqGGaDshkUSzXZse6BT0mv3flqpomFWgq53HfG5PPlmRQkm1DBcUNVkAjm4RFKw4DnV8fNrd4H36SfX8un / 2Q <picture itemscope=   A road sign near the Great Smoky Mountains Park in the & # 39; State of Tennessee warns against paralyzed activities due to market closure American. Photo: Robert Berlin / The Daily Times via AP

"The stop" only concerns 0.5% of American workers, but influences consumer confidence, according to a University study from Washington. Michigan. Experts also say it is hurting US GDP growth at a time of slowing global economic growth.

Approximately 800,000 federal employees are on leave without pay or working without pay. In sensitive areas, such as internal security and transport, staff are kept to a minimum.

National parks are not guarded, several museums are closed and the operation of airports is slower.

  Pbadengers are facing long queues in the safe area of ​​the Atlanta, United States airport. Officials are not received because of the closure - Photo: Elijah Newman / Reuters   Pbadengers are facing long queues in the safe area of ​​Atlanta Airport , in the USA. Officials are not received because of the stop - Photo: Elijah Newman / Reuters

Pbadengers are lining up in the traffic area of ​​the airport from Athens to the States United States – officials do not receive due to the closure – Photo: Elijah Newman / Reuters

The affected employees should receive retroactively, but more than one million subcontracted workers will not receive for this period.

"I never thought it would last that long," Carol Lopilato, 59, technically unemployed since December 23.

The US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) since 1987, Carol has no financial worries and is considered "lucky".

"But if this is prolonged, unfortunately, it will increase anxiety," he adds.

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