& # 39; Turma da Monica: Ties & # 39; – Watch the first trailer!


& # 39; Turma da Monica: Ties & # 39; action-action inspired by the characters of Mauricio de Sousa released his first trailer. Mauricio de Sousas Produções revealed that the comedian Monica Iozzi entered the cast of the film live-action, that arrives at cinemas in 2019. Iozzi will play the protagonist's mother.
In the casting are In the casting are Giulia Barreto (Monica), Kevin Vechiatto (Cebolinha), Gabriel Moreira (Magali) [19659003] "Bingo: The morning king" ) will direct the first real action movie based on comics.

] He worked as a publisher in the movies City of God (2002), & # 39; The Tree of Life (2011) and & # 39; RoboCop The Goonies & # 39; and & # 39; rely on me The film will be in the 80s and will follow the lineage of American clbadics The Batutinhas & # 39; & # 39; was created by brothers Vitor and Lu Cafaggi who took the clbadic characters of Mauricio de Sousa ] To an emotion-filled adventure, of memory and danger.

In history, the Snowflake has disappeared. To find his dog, Chive has friends Cascão, Monica and Magali and, of course, a "foolproof plan".

Shooting is scheduled to start in June and the first is scheduled for 2019 .

Check the poster and the announcement:


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